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National Planning Committee of the US Social Forum

Members of the NPC

National Strategy Meeting in Atlanta Aug. 4-5 2013

The National Planning Committee of the US Social Forum meets once each month via telephone conference call. The calls take place on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 1:00PM Eastern time/ 12:00 Central; 11:00AM Mountain; 10:00AM Pacific. 90 Minutes Call NPC line (712) 432-0075 code 388105# (host 564471#)

NEXT MEETING: Tuesday October 8, 2013, 1:00 PM Eastern Facilitator: David

Notetaker: Shamako
  • Site report (Walda will send out report to NPC)
  • Strategy 2015/2016
The NPC strategy call and other NPC discussions (i.e. Atlanta 2013) showed that there is strong interest in holding USSF in 2015; with interest in having a follow-up National PMA in 2016. Feeling that it is good to have a follow-up plan and date announced before USSF meeting itself.
  • Resources/ building support for the process/ Support needed from NPC members
  • Working group reports
Outreach (Jerome)
Road to USSF-3 (Walda)
Resource Development (Monica)
Communications-Technology (Alfredo or Jackie)
International (Jen)
Arts and Culture (Shamako)
PMA (Jerome/David)
Other business/questions?

NEXT NPC MEETING Tuesday, November 12, 1:00 PM Eastern/10AM Pacific

Meeting Notes

[[media: |September 11 2013]] September 9 Political Strategy Discussion--supplement to regular NPC meeting schedule

August 14, 2013

July 10, 2013

June 12, 2013

May 8, 2013

April 10, 2013

March 8-10, 2013 Face-to-face meeting, Philadelphia

November 2012 NPC Expanded Meeting, Chicago
