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Communications/Media WG Agenda


  • USSF NPC-LOC Press Briefing at AMC
When? Where? Who? What?
  • Press release for press briefing
Who? What? When?
  • USSF Caucus at AMC
When? Where? What? Who?
  • Follow up on Karlos and Ariel's AMC press packet
  • Prometheus Radio project with USSF, MWRO, and possible other grassroots groups.
Meet up at AMC and perhaps elsewhere
Perhaps build Hush House kit
  • USSF social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, YouTube, etc)
Who? How? What?
Especially for AMC, press briefing.
  • USSF website feedback? updates?
  • Comm/Media related reports from other Working Groups.
  • Upcoming meetings
LOC Tech and Communications Committee(s) Meeting in Detroit, day/time TBD (possibly 7/14 or 7/15)
LOC biweekly meeting--report out on AMC press briefing
  • Upcoming workshops
LOC Wiki Workshop--90 min, USSF/MWRO office, day/time TBD (possibly 7/12, 7/14, 7/15)
Advanced Technology Workshop--120 min, USSF/MWRO office, 7/17, time TBD
NPC basic wiki workshop--30 min, working lunch mtg, 7/20 or 7/21

Informal Comm-Media WG discussion with Karlos and Sylvia
Fri, 6/26/09--we had problems setting up the host access on the conf call.
  • AMC needs a description about the USSF caucus to put on their website.
-- They are typically held during a lunch or dinner time--Jenny's sending recommended eating locations.
  • AMC info about USSF.
-- Karlos and Ariel discussed some ideas about an outreach packet and contact sheet to be distributed to indy media at AMC.
-- They have a self-imposed deadline of 7/1 for developing the packet.
  • Recommendation--USSF-NPC Press Briefing.
-- Maureen and Sylvia are proposing that we hold a NPC press conference while national members are in town.
-- Karlos suggested it be a press briefing instead, a few minutes long and we distribute the save the date handout.
-- It can be held during AMC with NPC and LOC to discuss: (a) What is USSF? (b) Announce national participants, (c) Road to Detroit from Atlanta, (d) WSF process and regional Social Forums, (e) What's already happening, LOC logistical info. (f) How allied media integral to the USSF process (e.g., indy media is a place of struggle for social justice).
-- The remaining caucus time can continue the discussion of these items.
-- Create a story and photo op for AMC indy and mainstream media.
-- Send out another round of press releases and do follow up calls.
-- This can help us get a good set of people in the same place.
-- We can help light the fire of USSF excitement under the AMC as we get started.
-- What else do we want out of this?
-- If press briefing can't be during USSF caucus, we can set up another time and place.
  • Develop a media strategy plan.
-- Detroit local media seems pretty dessimated and harder to get mainstream media to cover stories.
-- We need a whole strategy around getting people to the Forum--a powerful media plan.
-- We need to tell stories to gain some legitimacy and share what happened at the last SF.
-- Part of the plan needs to include ideas to get the press to go to the SF, "to embed them in the army."
-- We'll also need a communication plan at the SF to follow up whatever happens there and tell that story.
-- With so many voices and issues at the Forum, we need a communications-media person who can help decentralize the whole thing and help others across the country tell their stories.
-- One communications person should do strategic, targeted work that can tell a few stories--but this person can't tell everything so have to figure out ways for other people to do it themselves, e.g., make materials and press lists and give it to other groups so they have the support and autonomy to do their own thing about getting to USSF Detroit; it can help gain legitimacy thru local stories that will hopefully get picked up by mainstream press (Karlos has SWOP example).
-- The USSF 5 day program is also important to hear how different constituencies get heard in media.
-- Communication plan needs NPC direction in 3-5 opportunities that national groups can jump onto, e.g., specific dates of importance or action (such as 10th anniversary of WSF), and other USSF news.