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Coordination Team Conference Call Notes
Monday, May 25, 2009
6 pm (sharp) to 730 pm
Dial-in number (712) 432-0075
Participant access code 388105

Action Items for 5/25 conf call
  • Status of Save the Date Announcement (CommWG [Sylvia] and Outreach WG [Cindy])
  • IC Contracts (Sylvia)
  • Contacting Working Group point-persons: Int’l, Language Access, Outreach, Logistics
  • Draft of Communications Staff hire info (Rocio and Diana)

Proposed agenda for meeting
  • Check in and identify notetaker/facilitator
  • Review action items from last week
  • Local and National Updates
  • Finalizing Dates for the NPC meeting: identifying a facilitation team and logistics team for the mtg
  • IC contracts finalization: Please review the contracts and come with feedback
  • IC contracts finalization: Please review the contracts and come with feedback
Will doesn't want to sign anything with current language about no benefits or without a description about what the job hiring is intended to be;
At Strategy Session in Detroit, Will and Maureen left room so Anchors and NPC could have a convo on why they should be offered a job.
Proposed contract language is standard as an independent standard for consultants, etc--no taxes, benefits. Concern about timeline and fiscal sponsorship.
Effort now to get compensation for staff work since 5/1, can't do retro benefits, mainly trying to get Tides agreement up soon.
This is a second draft, in which we got feedback from Elena and Steph.
Will has a question about salary and benefits.
Detroit made a proposal about the staffing reimbursement, that is what we are working with. Language on job description, came from what Rocio and Diane wrote for the Anchors Hiring Proposal to the C-Team.
Sylvia--Maureen and Victor are fine with it, until we get Tides agreement.
We should draft a MOU around staffing for Will and Maureen with a timeframe and send to Stephanie and get ideas. Not sure we have a better procedure, so we can generate reimbursements, etc.
Staff would create work plans and review with the coordination team.
Will feels like he's taking a lot risks, need someone to talk to, can not put himself out there. Nobody has had a conversation with him, about what his needs are.
Sylvia--It may be worthwhile to talk to Maureen and she can share what her concerns are as well...If you are having deeper concerns, suggest you reach out to people you trust on the coordination team and DLOC. We don't have an apparatus now to do payroll, benefits or fringe benefits...IC contracts are a temporary solution to get Will, Maureen, and Victor compensation for work done. We are all working from the understanding that they will get these ASAP.
Rocio--the question is not whether he can or can not, we need to be aware of what his needs may be around insurance.
Elena--What kind of insurance provider does he needs, can he continue his current Health Insurance under COBRA.
Coordination Team will establish an interim Personnel Committee--Michael, Stephanie, Elena, Rocio. Cindy or Josue can be a back up if Steph or Michael can't make it.
The Personnel Committee can have a more detailed conversation on health insurance. The Personnel Committee can make a concrete recommendation on health insurance.
Josue will email Steph and Michael to ask.
Cindy--concerned with scope of work in the job descriptions. Seems like it is too much. Would like to see a job description that is more realistic about the expectation. Will work on editing it, so when we have to turn in job descriptions they more accurately reflect the scope of work and expectations.
Elena will write an email to Will, Maureen and Victor: issues to include Will's health insurance, and full time employment. We can proceed with their contracts if they have no objections to their own contracts based upon Will's concerns.

  • Save the Date- announcement, it got discussed on communications call, it is on the Wiki to get feedback. We will review whatever we have by Friday on next Monday's call. CW sent to Outreach WG, and Sarita said it overall looked good, but needs some images/pictures.
  • Language Access: Danielle announced will be having a meeting by end of May.
  • Outreach: Tammy and Ahmina, setting up meeting in the next 2 weeks.
  • Logistics: Stephanie looking into seeing if someone from ATL can step up and coordinate with Will.
  • International: we will have a call on June 6. Rocio and Cindy working on this, will send out announcment to list-serve.
  • Draft of communications staff: Diana and Rocio will finalize work on it tomorrow
  • Responses to next NPC dates:
July 19 had the majority of responses, except some of the anchors and active NPC members can not make it. If we were to choose that and work around it.
Rocio: Made the recommendation on July 19- 21, before we announce broadly, we consult with Jerome, Stephanie and Genaro about their availability. We can work around it so the anchors are present.
Rocio will send emails to those 3 and then get back to the C-team for final recommendation and then we announce it to the NPC.
  • Recommendation to move these agenda items to next week:
International Council debrief part II
Coordination team evaluation
Expansion: NPC new applicants and process
Working group updates