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<< Return to Communications/Media WG

Sorry that this took so long. I have been trying to "edit" it into another section without realizing that it could simply be pasted in. Reg

Meeting Notes - Communications Working Group Conference Call, May 22,2009

Facilitator - Reg McGhee/ Bill Bryce Note taker - Reg McGhee


Check in -- Charles Lenchner (ICT), Ariel Dougherty (Media Equity Collaborative), Bill Bryce (Jobs With Justice - Detroit), Nancy Brigham (Technology WG), Josue Guillen, (NPC- Praxis Project), Sylvia Orduno (NPC - MWRO), Daymon Hartley (video producer), Frank Joyce (Mich. Coalition for Human Rights), Lou Novak (Green Party - Michigan), Joel McKinney (Detroit), Reg McGhee (Jobs With Justice - Detroit),

Currently, a "Save the Date" draft is being worked on by (?) to be sent to about 6,000 e-mail addresses from the 2007 Atlanta SF. It was suggested and agreed that it would be posted on the wiki for a one-week review. Final comments will be complied and given a shorter review period before sending it out. It was suggested that this piece would be a good practice piece for a group revision process. The group agreed that a generic e-mail account should be set up to handle responses and questions. The idea is to have something in place before the June 22 kickoff.

    • USSF Logo

Cynitra (Detroit Comm. WG) asked by previous email if a logo was being developed. It was explained that initially in 2007 a logo was created with little feedback due to lack of organization. There was some discussion at the international level about a logo with a common theme for all Social Forums. Nationally, in 2007, the Design Action Group Collective in Oakland, CA, designed a logo for free that was used in Atlanta.

There was good discussion about the use of a contest to generate interest and promote interaction. However, issues were raised with coordinating such activity, and insuring that it reflects the SF's intent and messages, and gives a "Detroit flavor." Trying to get something done by or near June 22 was also a concern. It was noted that the Design Action Group was also interested and available to help again, and that all graphics from 07 are available.

It was agreed that a Design Working Group or subcommittee of the Comm. WG should be put together to address this. And it was agreed to bring this before the Detroit LOC for more input.

    • Website

Another good and full discussion on the need for a website (Wbs). It was raised that the Wbs would serve many purposes. Content and functionality are key. All working groups/committees should be contacted/involved to insure that Wbs serves their needs. It was noted that an initial, basic Wbs could be developed for the 6/22 kickoff and it could be added to as we go on.

It could be a place to capture interest (sign-ups) and donations. It could be a way to get people involved at the local level. The Wbs should have pictures and graphics. It should certainly tell stories - success stories about struggle and victories. It was raised that we needed stories to reflect the struggles that people are facing, like water rights, rust belt and Detroit issues. It was suggested that one source for success stories was "Sociologists Without Borders." (contact info?)

The Comm. WG and the Wbs should solicit stories and begin to make connections with groups and individuals. Perhaps a "My USSF" that could be customized to each person (similar to that used in the Obama campaign). It could have testimonials as a way of building interest in the SF 2010. It should take advantage of existing sites like Flickr, Facebook, and YouTube to upload or connect to. It was raised that the process was key in this important task.

There is a DVD in production from Atlanta and that an email list of some 6000 people is available. It was also noted that the NPC worked hard on building a critical mass and base building, and communication of core messages. That there was still time and room to broaden the outreach.

It was agreed that a subcommittee should address the Wbs. Nancy, Josue, Charles, Sylvia and Joel agreed to work on this. It was noted that the Detroit LOC needed to craft a "story" for the wider audience and that this would be raised at the next Detroit LOC. Labor Day was suggested as one target date for more robust content from Detroit. It was raised that this story could address the "Road from Atlanta to Detroit." More press and community stories also need to be incorporated onto the Wbs and that we should be looking for more content on the Wbs after Labor Day.

  • Correction from Nancy:
I found my notes on this and I'm pretty sure the volunteers for the committee also include Lou Novac and Carlos.
Jamie might also have volunteered.
We need to get email addresses to confirm this!
From the Tech/communications committee we have Alfredo of MayFirst and Ross.
Since I can't seem to clear out my other work,
I have to decline chairing the committee, though I'll still devote a lot to it and will be the liaison with Communications/Media group.
Alfredo has the time and agreed to chair it, with the condition that there be real participation, especially from the communications group.
So who we have right now, subject to confirmation, is Alfredo, Nancy, Ross, Josue, Charles, Sylvia, Joel, Lou Novac, Carlos, and Jamie -- please forgive misspellings.

    • Blog Request from Applied Research Center (ARC)

Gina Acebo from ARC has offered a spot on their website: for the SF to blog about 2010. It was agreed that this was a good opportunity but we did not need to address it immediately. We should communicate back to her that we are interested and put it on the agenda for the Communications WG to handle as we develop more material and the other on-going needs.

    • Allied Media Conference

The annual Allied Media Conference, a large gathering of people and groups involved in alternative media and struggle, will be meeting in Detroit from July 16-19. Many of these people are the kind of folks we want to attract to USSF 2010. It was noted that the USSF NPC was a sponsor and will have a large presence there. The Woman's' WG will have a caucus, the Center for Media Justice will have people there, the USSF will have a caucus there. It was generally agreed that the Communications WG should try to make it and get involved in some way.

    • Due to the length of time taken on the above items, other medium term items like overall media strategy and key message integration were postponed to future meetings/calls.
    • Next meeting

It was agreed that the next Communications Working Group conference call would take place on Wednesday, June 3, 6pm, EST. The same call-in number and access numbers would be used.