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Priscilla, Gwen, Ahmina, Nisa, Ron, Stephanie, Leann, and Dessa (note-taker).

Committee Structure Discussion

  • Ahmina will not be chair much longer, Nisa will be co-chair with someone else.
  • Priscilla has a list of people who have attended or shown interest in Outreach Committee. This list includes phone numbers and emails. The names and emails have been added to the wiki as an Outreach Committee list.
  • Stephanie is investigating starting a RiseUp listserv for people on the Outreach Committee so that it will be easier for us all to communicate and we won’t leave anyone out. She will email the group about what she finds out. We want to know if people can sign themselves up as part of a RiseUp listserv or if the moderator has to add/invite people to join.
  • Priscilla has been maintaining the Wiki page about outreach. We asked her if she was interested in being the primary page editor (which would include posting minutes, updating the contact list, and making meeting announcements) and she is (Yay!)

Discussion of “Internal FAQ” document

  • Dessa has compiled (with suggestions from others) a list of questions that, if answered, will be a guide for people who want to get involved but are not sure how to. This document is currently 22 questions. Dessa is going to put them into categories and send out the list for people to pick up and start answering. Some answers will be found from NPC folks, from Anchors, from USSF Detroit Staff, and some will have to be decided upon by the Outreach Committee. We hope to present this to the DLOC at the next meeting if possible.

Discussion of Outreach PowerPoint

  • Dessa put together a PowerPoint from the Atlanta PowerPoint and from Lou’s PowerPoint that is Detroit specific and is intended to be usable by anyone who wants to make a presentation about the USSF in Detroit and how to get involved. Critiques of the PowerPoint are that it is too texty and dense.
  • All suggestions to Dessa about content should be emailed to her by Wednesday evening. Dessa will pare it down and send it to Nisa by Thursday.
  • Nisa will use USSF 2007 photos, etc to make the PowerPoint more visually appealing.
  • We will be presenting the PowerPoint to the DLOC at the next meeting.

Outreach List of Orgs/People Discussion

  • Ahmina has a list of people (and their organizations) that have been to DLOC or committee meetings.
  • Dessa has a list of progressive organizations in Michigan that we can reach out to about joining the DLOC and coming to the USSF.
  • On the Wiki, on our Outreach Committee page, under Ongoing, there is a list that is called “groups of interest.”
  • We need to compile a comprehensive list of organizations, contact info, and if we’ve reached out to them (including who reached out, when, and how) about becoming part of the DLOC and attending the USSF. Ahmina is going to work on merging and updating these lists so that we can start systematically approaching potential partners.
  • Priscilla is going to investigate how to put a table (in which we can add the above information) on our wiki page. Then people can easily add more organizations as they think of them.


  • We need an additional training so more of us can be proficient!

Calendar Discussion

  • We want to develop a comprehensive calendar of events so we can better plan out outreach activities. This will include literally a big paper calendar (that Ahmina has purchased) and a web calendar- on our DLOC wiki. Nisa is asking the technology committee about creating one for us on the wiki.
  • The calendars will include things like DLOC meetings, various committee meetings, and events out in the community that we should be doing outreach at. We need to figure how to prioritize events, eg, which ones to buy tables at, which ones to walk around at, which ones to present at, and which ones anyone can just show up at and flier vs “WE REALLY NEED TO HAVE PEOPLE AT THIS ONE” kind of thing.
  • Ahmina and Stephanie have volunteered to get this project underway.

Outreach Kit

  • This kit will be used by Outreach Committee folks and other DLOC folks to bring more people into the USSF process.
  • These are the things currently planned for the Outreach Kit (and who’s working on them), which we will present to the larger DLOC for suggestions and explanation next Tuesday:
    • In depth document about the USSF (Nisa)
    • PowerPoint (Dessa and Nisa)
    • Fliers/postcards- made, but need translated into Arabic, Spanish, Hmong, Chinese and possibly others (Language access committee)
    • Outreach Video (Nisa and Technology Committee people)
    • Summary of in-depth document (Stephanie and Leeann)
    • FAQ for External Purposes (Priscilla and Dessa- partially pulled from overall FAQ mentioned above)
    • “How To Use This Kit” document. (We need a volunteer to work on this)

Potluck Discussion

  • The potluck that was originally scheduled fro 6/11/09 has been postponed to the 22nd. This was strongly recommended by the Anchors since the 22nd is our big, 1 year out celebration. Also, not enough had been done for a potluck so soon.
  • The potluck on the 22nd will be part of the larger event that evening at MWRO from 6-9 pm.
  • We came up with an event agenda that we will recommend to the DLOC/organizers prior to next Tuesday’s meeting via listserv (Ahmina) with a discussion at next Tuesday’s meeting.
This is it:
6 pm People arrive, there is music and art to entertain them
6:30 pm Press Conference (maybe with two USSF Detroit organizer and additional local draw. Nisa will contact Communications Committee about this idea and the need for press releases, speakers, etc)
6:45 pm Orientation about the USSF with new PowerPoint (presented by the Outreach Commitee, question and answer facilitated by who?)
7:10 pm Food and mingling
8:00 pm More live music (and maybe even dancing!)
  • We need several things to happen in the next couple of weeks to make this work. Fliers need to be made (who can work on this?), we need to secure another speaker or two (Nisa will ask Communications Committee about this and other press related stuff), we need to confirm that Will and Maureen are willing to speak, and secure entertainment and art (Leeann will ask the Culture Committee about this.)
  • Ann has agreed to be our food coordinator again. She has also agreed to make a “-1 birthday cake” since this event is one year out from the Social Forum.