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Program and Culture Working Group Notes

July 6, 2009


  1. Go over timeline to present to NPC.
  2. NPC/Local Relationship
  3. Solidify vision statement
  4. Next Call: Monday July 27th, 9pm Eastern
         o Call-in Number: 712.432.9998.
         o Access Code: 841125 #

Present: Name and Organization

   * Walda: Maryland. League of Revolutionaries for a New America. Teaches at Howard University in DC. On NPC for 2007 USSF, was part of Project South at the time
   * kiran nigam: Ann Arbor/Chicago. US Solidarity Economy Network, North American Students of Cooperation (NASCO)
   * Oya Amakisi: Detroit. Co-chair of Culture and Programming Committee, Detroit Women of Color International Film Festival, Hush House
   * Jerome: Atlanta. League of Revolutionaries for a New America.
   * Alicia: San Francisco. POWER: People Organized to Win Employment Rights.
   * Tamara: Harlem, New York. Women of Color United.
   * Rishi: Washington, DC. Virginia New Majority, Leftist Lounge
   * Rose Brewer: Minneapolis. Afro Eco, Grassroots Global Justice Alliance, University of Minnesota

Meeting Topics

Timeline Presentation

   * (See timeline, emailed out with minutes).
   * This will be a big document/report that will be presented to the NPC at the meeting in July.
   * Things we need to do before the NPC Meeting: Nothing to add/change
   * March to now: Nothing new to add.
   * July to October: Change post on-line submission form to September 30th deadline.
   * November to January: Nothing to add/change
   * February to March: Nothing to add/change
   * April to May: Add program online by May 20th or earlier if possible.
   * June: Nothing to add/change
   * July: Nothing to add/change
   * Key questions: Add: Who is doing the layout, design and printing of the program? We want to get this information as soon as possible.

General Discussion on the Timeline

   * Note: The printing aspect is handled by the Outreach Committee locally. Printing locally is ideal.
   * About development of cultural aspects of program, it would be good develop that into its own timeline. There are big areas of work connected to that that are not reflected here. When does that happen?
   * Is the joint program design group an ongoing group from when it’s founded through the social forum?
         o In 07, it was late coming about. The NPC did a lot of it and it was cumbersome and difficult. We will have to do it for each social forum. It will be a team from this social forum. If there are any hangovers from the 07, that would be good.
         o (This proposal may be a bit controversial, by the way).
         o It will endure for the length of the planning for the social forum. We will create the team as soon as possible and it will exist throughout the planning process.
   * Is the idea to have continuity (in the printed program design, look, etc.) from Atlanta and the World Social Forums? Or re-imagine the program?
         o Let’s keep what works and discard what doesn’t, and not sacrifice growth or expansion in the hopes of keeping a framework.
   * Walda will get a draft timeline cleaned up with the additions and suggestions.

On NPC/Local Relationship

(This is the part that comes from kiran’s memory. Please email her with additions if you have them).

   * We want to stress integration. We will bring this up at the NPC meeting.
   * We want to incorporate the struggles and context of Detroit in the program and culture. It would be helpful to have people from Detroit on these calls.
   * In 07, we worked hand-in-glove. Local people helped in the placement of workshops, and to make sure we were using appropriate venues.
   * The NPC meetings are open to all. People from Detroit are invited to attend. (They are planning on attending!)
   * We want this to be a relationship. The NPC does not just make decisions for the local committee to follow. This is a partnership. We work as a team.

Solidify Vision Statement

   * We are set on our representation at the NPC meeting.
   * We want to integrate our notes/clump them together into our vision statements for the NPC meeting.
   * We just need to edit our notes from the past two meetings, clump them and get out extraneous materials.
   * We need this done and emailed to the NPC by the 15th or so.
   * kiran and Rishi will put together a draft and email it the Working Group by Monday the 13th. The group will then provide feedback so that it can be submitted to the NPC by the 15th.

Loose Ends:

   * We will suggest a tech Wiki training at the NPC meeting.
   * If you did not get an email from the listserve (it will say USSF Program and Culture 2010) email Walda or kiran.
   * Regular Call Time: Mondays at 9pm Eastern/8 Central/7 Mountain/6 Pacific

Next Call: Monday July 27th, 9pm Eastern

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