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The US Social Forum, the US Canada Joint Delegation to the World Social Forum Free Palestine, InterOccupy and other USSF allies have organized and are participating in a number of sessions during this year's World Social Forum in Tunis.

Here is the lineup of activities and links to blogs and other reports on their activities and observations. US Social Forum organizers will be working to share the stories of the delegation with readers and will be connecting the organizing work we do with that of our allies around the world. Another world is possible!

WATCH LIVE from Tunis via Skype: The Skype name for the USSF team at the World Social Forum is: ussf.extension.

The USTREAM channel is: canal-USsf at [1]. NOTE that so far the team has just one laptop webcam, which may not work very well, but they're working to bring you the best stream they can from Tunis.


The Grassroots Global Justice Alliance has been a key player in the US Social Forums, and it brings a large delegation of activists from across the United States to the World Social Forums here is GGJ's schedule of activities at the WSF.

This year GGJ has been organizing around the "Climate Justice Alignment," which emerged from work the group did at the Detroit USSF.

Wednesday March 27th:

1st slot: 9h00-11h30

MEDIA PLATFORMS FOR ACTION. Organized by: GlobalSquare.


3rd slot: 16h00-18h30 ‘’’Building Pan-African Unity in the 21st Century ‘’’ Room G109

Open assemblies of the movements from the squares 1 Organized by: GlobalSquare

Thursday March 28th:

1st slot: 9h00-11h30 Networked solidarity? interactions between labour, NGOs, political groups and the squares Organized by: GlobalSquare.

2nd slot:13h00-15h30 "VIA22 - Comment collaborer au-delà du FSM? Espace ouvert et créatif pour le dialogue entre les personnes impliquées dans les mouvements sociaux actuels et au sein de la société civile / How can we collaborate beyond the WSF? Organized by: VIA22.

3rd slot:16h00-18h30 Open assemblies of the movements from the squares 2 Organized by: GlobalSquare.

‘’’Challenging AFRICOM and US imperialism on the African Continent’’’ Tente PGC 1

‘’’Strategies for the International Decade for People of African Descent World Against Racism Network (WARN)’’’

Friday March 29th:

1st slot: 9h00-11h30

‘’’Advancing Anti-Capitalist Strategies in the Global South’’’ M207

‘’’United States Political Prisoners, Prisoners of War, and Political Exiles – Exposing the Human Rights abuses of the United States Government’’’ TD15*

Interoccupy: Connect. Colaborate. Organize. Organized by: InterOccupy. Presentation of InterOccupy to ask the question of whether building a global networking and communications commons is something social movements want, and if so, engage others to work with us on it from the ground up using open democratic consensus-based processes. We will also present our work in the movement which has involved developing processes for: 1. democratic, horizontal communication 2. building and managing a unique technical platform that encourages collaboration on issues across wide distances 3. creating a decentralized news distribution system, 4. national and global days of action, and 5. assisting with regional and national gatherings for Occupy. We have learned a lot from our experience that we would like to share at the forum. We would also like to meet others from across the world working on similar initiatives in order to build cross-continental lines of open and democratic communication. 1. Share our experience and work so that other movements can learn from what we have done. 2. Learn directly from other popular movement groups about their strategies for building communication and networking. 3. Connect with others from around the world so that we can start the process of developing a global communication platform that can be used to build worldwide solidarity issues that affect us all.

2nd slot:13h00-15h30

‘’’Israel’s Worldwide Role in Repression’’’

Open assemblies of the movements from the squares 3 Organized by: GlobalSquare.


What is really happening in US social movements? Delegates from the US Social Forum will present on plans for USSF 2014 and the current state of US social movements (especially their obstacles and political analyses within the context of Obama’s second term, the economic crisis, and policies on activism), discuss their connections, and engage workshop attendees in discussion.

Towards a dialogue between emerging social movements and the global civil society This Assembly will be a space for dialogue between different emerging social movements (grassroots movements in Maghreb/Mashreq, Indignados/15M, Occupy, YoSoy132, Y'en a Marre, VIA22, student movements, indigenous movements, etc.) and the rest of the global civil society, to build a process of convergence within and beyond the Social Forums Facebook event

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