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Revision as of 17:23, 22 March 2010 by SylviaOrduno (talk | contribs)

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notes back up:

no corp logos but sharing on linkages so people can share on their networks. proposal: link on homepage so people can share out on their networks

People don't know that USSF is on any of these platforms, but we are. Is an important communication tool so people know where we're at.

Sidebar could be distracting to content on front page of site, will splash pages be annoying. Need to go back to ICT for discussion and agreement.

Culture has been following the convo--at what point will this be complete? Excellent tool.

ICT meets tomorrow night.

Give and take important but we should have a time period for it.

If we move fwd w/o ICT having discussed again, any ramifications or consequences?

Bad practice in general to do this. OC has right to do this and implement as decision of OC. We had a convo with comms wg folks that is different from current proposal--wasn't discussed with ICT, esp linkages on every page. OC essentially imposing its decision upon ICT. ICT objection to proprietary software isn't obstructionist but is a principle people believe in. ICT not sure it understands this.

There has been over a month of discussion on this. Understanding there have to be mechanisms and processes for checking in. Comms and ICT will have follow up convo on the nuances around this and give a report at face mtg in Detroit. All support, No opposition, no abstentions.

Logistics update: Sylvia & Maureen...

OC agenda: need point people and concise proposals. send must have agenda items to adrienne today, finalize by tomorrow.

Finance Team report: summary from sylvia...

Long-term housing needs: we've got 2-3 teams working on housing, need for 1500 people w/ little or no money; rotating shelters in detroit. also helping folks who want to rent an apt approx $15/day pp, approx 45 apts; another group has homes we can rent or buy. part of this will depend on transportation rates. if buying a house have to do so in april for move in.

get on our radar soon about how to house oc and npc and volunteers in early and assist with affordable housing