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We have just formed Youth Focus Groups in the following areas:

  • Focus groups
Logistics - Tracy
Responsible for: working with the Logistics WG, serving as a liason between youth and Logistics WG, being a resource to youth for housing and travel needs.
Finances - Sandra
Responsible for: developing a budget and drafting fundraising proposals.
College students - Cindy
Responsible for: understanding and targeting college students/organizations and their resources.
Outreach - Jardyn
Responsible for: communicating to student/youth groups and connecting them with information and resources.
YouthSpace - Corina, Mashra
Responsible for: developing the YouthSpace for the Forum in June.
Communications - Veronica
Responsible for unifying communications within the Youth WG and making information/projects visible and accessible to the NPC.
  • If you're interested in joining any of these groups, please email with your name, age, location, organization and group you want join.