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USSF program & culture working group prep:

Synthesize notes from calls:

  1. key objectives, goals, visions
  2. list detailed suggestions @ end
  3. list decisions, processes, etc
  4. timeline below/ discussed, amended

Timeline: March 2009 – July 2010

March to now:

  1. built working group (23, including good Detroit rep & national rep)
  2. set up listserve (by Mallory from Tech & kiran volunteered to be administrator)
  3. had regular bi-weekly calls (Mon & Wed @ 9pm ET has been working)
  4. collective leadership going into July NPC (Oya & Will – Detroit, kiran, Rishi, Jerome & walda) of program & culture components of WG
  5. no definitive decision at national level on 1 WG w/2 subgroups or 2 WGs with collaboration & coordination (at DLOC level 1 WG to date)

July – October

  1. Participate in NPC development of overall program design for Cobo Hall, Hart Plaza, other venues (cultural programming, workshops, plenaries, opening march & closing, assemblies & peoples movement assembly process, open spaces, tents, other) from NPC July meeting
  2. Set up NPC overarching Program Design team: includes reps from Program / Culture, PMA, Plenaries (if separate), Opening / Closing march / ceremony, Logistics, Tech, Outreach, International & whoever doing printed program
  3. Possible consultations (with Outreach): to help determine “tracts” or themes for organizing program, build for participation, submission of self-organized proposals
  4. In Detroit area work with Outreach to do local consultations & insure grounding in local communities – find out how they want to participate – encourage programmatic / cultural participation
  5. Develop on-line submission form w/ Tech (needs vast improvements over 2007) by October
  6. Post on-line submission form on website & other outreach media by October

November – January

  1. Work on overarching programming / cultural spaces  (needs detail @ / after NPC meeting)
  2. Work on getting self-organized proposals in, especially solicit, joint proposals, bigger pieces
  3. Work with Logistics on details of space
  4. Work with PMA on PMA /  assembly process of programming
  5. Tents – how will they intersect with Program / Culture?

February – March

  1. Deadline for self-organized proposals: March 1st, 2010
  2. Push to get self-organized proposals in, start to review, if needed communicate with orgs, networks, alliances, local communities
  3. Work with logistics – will we have enough space? How do we do “program / culture” in general space of Cobo Hall & Hart Plaza
  4. Have draft of all pieces of Program Design

April – May

  1. Decisions on self-organized proposals: April 20, 2010
  2. Emails go out as decisions made, all decisions, emails by April 20
  3. Finalize all aspects of Program Design (cultural programming, workshops, plenaries, opening march & closing, assemblies & peoples movement assembly process, open spaces, tents, other)
  4. Work with logistics on location of all aspects “Program”
  5. Layout printed program – who, how?
  6. Work with printed program folks to get info for printed program to them by May 15
  7. Program goes to printer by May 20


  1. Get printed program June 15
  2. Last minute details
  3. Logistics, materials, set-up for Cobo & Hart Plaza spaces
  4. Teams for crisis management
  5. Arrive June 15 to 20
  6. USSF II June 22-26
  7. Initial debrief & evaluation


  1. Extended debrief & evaluation
  2. What worked, what didn’t & lessons learned
  3. Write-up report

Questions to answer /affirm

  1. 5-day walk through: overall Program design
  2. How does this overall program design move forward the processes of movement convergence & movement building? How does it bring forward our visions and our strategies for fundamental social transformation?
  3. How many & what will tracts / themes be
  4. Only organizations submit self-organized proposals, requests for open space, etc.
  5. Individuals w/ their organizational affiliation have to be registered & paid to submit proposal
  6. Urge at least 2 organizations to submit all proposals
  7. Limit of 1 /  2 proposal(s) per organization as lead org
  8. Length & time / space self-organized workshops
  9. Details all venues, exact number rooms at each & all time slots
 10. Room allocation details


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