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National Planning Committee of the US Social Forum

The National Planning Committee of the US Social Forum meets once each month via telephone conference call. The calls take place on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 12:00 NOON time/ 11:00AM Central; 10:00AM Mountain; 9:00AM Pacific. 90 Minutes Call NPC line (712) 432-0075 code 388105# (host 564471#)

SPECIAL MEETING: Polycentric USSF and Site/s: Tuesday November 26, Noon-2pm Eastern Click here for notes
Documents for Discussion on Polycentric USSF and Site Selection

NEXT REGULAR MEETING: Tuesday December 10, 2013, 12:00 Noon Eastern Facilitator:

Notetaker: Click here for notes


Outreach (Jerome)
Road to USSF-3 (Walda)
Resource Development (Monica)
Communications-Technology (Alfredo or Jackie)
International (Jen)
Arts and Culture (Shamako)
PMA (Jerome/David)
Other business/questions?

NEXT NPC MEETING Tuesday, January 14, 12:00 Noon Eastern/9AM Pacific

Meeting Notes

November 2013 NPC Call

[[media: |September 11 2013]] September 9 Political Strategy Discussion--supplement to regular NPC meeting schedule

August 14, 2013

July 10, 2013

June 12, 2013

May 8, 2013

April 10, 2013

Members of the NPC

National Strategy Meeting in Atlanta Aug. 4-5 2013

March 8-10, 2013 Face-to-face meeting, Philadelphia

November 2012 NPC Expanded Meeting, Chicago
