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Coordination Team Conference Call
Monday May 4, 2009
6pm EST/3pm PST (1.5 hour)
  • Check In
  • Review of Coordination Team “Action Items”
  • Updates from Detroit and National
  • Working Groups Update
  • Strategic Planning
  • Budget Approval (see below)
  • Invites
  • Logistical Needs
  • USSF-NPC Membership
  • Cleaning up existing list
  • Process for new membership
  • Meeting Wizard: dates for the next face to face meeting

On call: Will Copeland, Josué Guillen, Adrienne Brown, Elena Herrada, Rocio Valerio, Sylvia Orduño, Michael Leon Guerrero (invited to provide NPC input for Cindy/GGJA)

Absent: Cindy Wiesner (at IC), Tom Goldtooth

  • Check In
Everyone is well, Rocio is back from Mexico! Several of us starting new gigs to pay the bills.
  • Review of Coordination Team “Action Items”
Detroit MWSF rep? This needs to be part of overall Outreach WG strategy. Will will find someone from local Outreach Committee and team up with Jacqui by Wed 4/29 for advance rep prep. Actually is a planning mtg not actual MWSF mtg: Lisa Oliver King, Oya Amakisi, Tom Stephens will rep LOC; Wed conf call; need NPC rep for call to prep Detroit reps to MWSF.
Anchors hiring proposal--has been sent to Coordination Team, Michael and Stephanie; Cindy, Josué, Maureen, Tom, Adrienne have provided email feedback.
C-Team Conf call facilitators--Rocio will do later
Some C-Team members volunteered to contact WG point people—follow up at next conf call.
  • Updates from Detroit and National
NPC: Steph's email about money mgmt--please note; she'll discuss more at 5/9 session; Tech WG had conf call last week, plus Program/Culture WG
Detroit: USSF fundraiser on 5/1--heard $500-600 raised; prep for strategy session on going; local bank account was set up with three anchor signers? Outreach with flyers to May Day participants was done at 5/1 rally and march in southwest/Mexicantown Detroit.
  • Working Groups Update
Tech WG: Had conf call 4/30. Riseup participated on call--possible political agreement for email lists; about 20 callers nationally, including May First who have been instrumental in getting wikis and website started; some participants offered advice on ATL; next time dig further on local issues and structure. This WG just technology, Communications WG not up yet nationally but local has both--maybe divide up. Next mtg 5/14.
What can C-Team do to get Communications WG off the ground? Identify local org or 2 to provide media/comm leadership. Nat'l needs to identify 1-2 groups--challenging. Josué with Bryce will set a mtg in next week or two. Public release/save the date--C-Team needs to step up and do that in the meantime, then run by NPC.
Josue will identify LOC people for Communication WG mtg.
Program/Culture WG also grappling with splitting or how to move forward. Many new people at mtg; discussion of objectives. Many Prog/Cult participants interested in culture. Commitment to keep groups together. Main objective for now: grow group, more togetherness and organization.
Has there been a Nat'l call for folks to step into WGs? Not really, at NPC in Detroit, folks got together and followed up some discussion via email but no national specific call.
In org'g you gotta talk to people one-on-one to outreach.
Fundraising WG: trying to get a call together for Tues or Wed, have narrative proposal and have gotten a couple of other foundation requests that will send out; coordination of diff strategies; need LOC contacts for fundraisers--had Rachel and Shawn previously--need one of the anchors to be a part of this; send to Michael or Genaro to get on calls.
Want to do first Fundraising email request on 6/21--year out--need to communicate with Tech and Comm WGs. Also discuss fundraising strategies before 5/9 session.
Per Will, add item to Anchor mtg tomorrow--discuss RM contact.
  • Strategic Planning 5/9
Budget for May 9 strategic planning meeting:
Request for rental car by Adrienne--$190; will shuttle people around; you need a car in Detroit; mobility helpful. Maybe ask college students in future. We may need to consider budget issue for out-of-town visitors and regular car rentals, or can we get regular volunteers for airport runs, etc. We should consider an overall approach/strategy for handling shuttles with out of town visitors, i.e, regularly rent vehicle(s) or coordinate transportation with local volunteers?
Food: breakfast and lunch for May 9: $200; at Hannan House Cafe and mtg space.
Travel for 4 NPC members: $1200
Donation for meeting space: $50
Materials and copies: $150—may be donated by local volunteer
Housing: Solidarity Housing with DLOC members
Transportation: Solidarity Transportation with DLOC members
Total: $1600, now $1790--all members approved
9:30-12:30 Fri--Michael with budget, finance
All day Sat—work plan. Anchors brainstorm work in advance so prepped for Sat; what needs to happen btwn now and next June--WGs, anchors, LOC. Clarity on what WGs do vs. staff etc so no one group/person is overtaxed.
WGs haven't had chance to meet or answer NPC questions--what will be process to allow input from WGs who won't be represented? Helpful to get a clear sense but this weekend won't plan out WGs but plan out for Detroit.
Proposed Agenda:
Fri: arrive by 9am, include staffing talk and funding needed to support anchors proposal; afternoon possible one-on-one time with anchors, if anyone’s available.
Sat: pull together diff to-do list: mtgs, hires, etc and whose responsible for what pieces of work; timeline of work from March mtg; clear conversations on work plan; decisions on staffing and relationships; Memorandum of Understanding (MOU); how allow local to move forward.
Much focus on tasks what about time to discuss local vision on what can happen at USSF?
Helpful to have brainstorming info in advance--send to Adrienne. Elena and Will will discuss at Anchors Mtg. Possible Sat night for further talks? ::Rodriguez performance at Majestic Theater Sat night--bonding experience?
  • USSF-NPC Membership
Cleaning up existing list?
Josue and Cindy cleaned up recently; SWOP asked to be removed, have no capacity to participate; handful of others on leave. NPC members volunteered to take pieces of list to call on--report back at next NPC conf call.
Process for new membership?
People from all over are beginning to ask what is the planning process. This needs to be an agenda item to touch base on. How can we create a process that is local, have responses to bring new folks.
This can be helped by getting WGs up and running so we have structures in place--major way for people to get involved.
Perhaps send out info to WG point people about getting WGs running because C-Team will draft public USSF announcement.
Perhaps we could get a list of the working groups with contact information. Even if it's not a complete list right now. We can update as the leadership gets more complete. If there are clear meeting times, that's great.
Sylvia can work on drafting the list - will bring a draft by next call.
Michael would like to see overall NPC structure more in place before the July meeting. He is down to take a first stab at this! Will is down to work with Michael on this!
Possible to draft something by 5/18, day before 5/19 NPC conf call?
Note - add coordinating committee decision making process to future meeting!
  • Meeting Wizard: dates for the next face to face meeting
Rocio sent out survey, rec'd very few responses; so far 1st weekend doesn't work but anchors have weekend preference; 7/13 days better than 7/20. Rocio will send out reminder. There may have been confusion about choices. Further discussion at Anchor Mtg tomorrow. Perhaps add 7/24-26 weekend to possibilities and still try to be accommodating to AMC conference previous weekend.
Adrienne: sent email to Coord Team re: staffing, trust, capacity; please read.