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Notes program subgroup 2.1.10


  1. check-ins
  2. update: registration / online forms - see for registration & online submission forms!!
  3. discussion review process: workshop tags, tasks, timeline, who, how (see attached tracks and workshop tags)
  4. update: program design team
  5. items to Alicia for OC call 2.8.10
  6. other
  7. next call, reminder/agenda person, note taker, facilitator

1. Check-ins
  • Walda
  • Jerome
  • Flo
  • Kali
  • Myla
  • Rose
  • Leslie
  • Daryl
  • Jay
  • Sarah
  • Ife

2. update
registration / online forms

Registration is open! Already have 29 orgs registered and 100 and some individuals. registration and online submissions.

Workshops submissions up!

3. discussion review process
workshop tags, tasks, timeline, who, how

Kiran has done a lot of work on forms et al (Thanks Kiran!)

Forms are up. Thought we would have a convo with Mark tech, but has been postponed.

Need to talk about

Convo about what reviewers do (some repeat reviewers from 2007)

What do we need to access site where submissions are (critical relationship with tech)

"Tags" - Topics or themes that are more focused that folks will want to use to categorize submissions.

We (program subculture) will review and we tag. Workshops will then be available online under tracks and tags both so folks can search content in multiple ways.

As reviewers we can see how all submissions have been tagged and use this to talk about how things can be consolidated.

Please take a look at tags and see if they seem to be complete or if something is missing. This needs to be done sooner rather then later. Send additional tag ideas to the list.

Will need to reject proposals? Depends on space available.

Prelim reviewing between now and March 20. Might be communicating with submitters to get clarity on submission. Starting March 20 we'll be making decisions. April 30 - hope to have prelim decisions done. In terms of travel and finding housing, is it possible to do rolling submissions? We are the ones doing the work - we can do it as we want. Think it has been set up this way to protect ourselves.

Post march 20, we'll let folks know as they accepted. We won't wait until April 20 to let everyone know.

Unless something peculiar or get 3000+ submissions, most proposals accepted. Really need a survey from logistics on how many spaces available. 2007, 1000 workshops, 100 per slot. Guessing 2010, numbers will be double.

Single person is going to appoint reviewer or group figures out? 2007 - as proposals came in, folks were assigned in blocks of 10-20. Each submission is assigned a number so folks are assigned certain numbers.


co-chairs will assign who reviews what. Each person in WG, should indicate if they are comfortable/able with process. Should be everyone, but just to confirm.

Co-chairs should get name, email and phone number for each reviewer. Send contact info to Walda who will send out to the reviewers only.

Update: program design team

Team is drawing reps from across workgroups, will look at political goals of USSF and make sure program is aligned with those goals.

2.13 5pm first Program Design call, 8 or 9 folks so far. Team is open!

5. Items to Alicia for OC call 2.8.10

Need from logistics a real number!

Want to encourage NPC face to face in conjunction with OC mtg


Walda will send NPC and Jerome will send OC call info to Program list

next call, reminder/agenda person, note taker, facilitator

Next subgroup Feb 15 9pm EST

Facilitator Jerome (one more time! But not a third :)

Notetaker Ife

Next full call Feb 8 9pm EST

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