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Coordination Team Conference Call Notes

On call: Cindy Weisner (GGJA-NPC), Rocio Valerio (EMEAC-Anchor), Elena Herrada (Centro Obrero-Anchor), Sylvia Orduno (MWRO-Anchor)

Absent: Maureen Taylor (Ill), Will Copeland (Ill), Josue Guillen (out of country), Tom Goldtooth

Facilitator: Cindy. Note taker: Sylvia.

  • Status of contracts for Maureen, Will, and Victor
  • Draft NPC conference call agenda
  • Draft NPC July meeting objectives
  • Discuss NPC meeting travel stipends
  • Discuss “Save the Date” draft
  • Coordination Team evaluation process

  • Status of contracts for Maureen, Will, and Victor
Maureen and Will were to sign them last week and send to Project South. We’re unsure about Victor’s contract—Sylvia will find out their status--Maureen says all were signed and sent to Project South last week.
Stephanie at Project South has agreed to sit on the Personnel Committee. We have not heard from Michael (GGJA-Resource Mob WG).
  • Draft NPC conference call agenda
- LOC update, including 6/22 Detroit Publicity Kick Off.
- Staffing update, including Personnel Committee
- Working Groups report back—Decisions? Need NPC Feedback?
Appeal for point persons to jump start Logistics WG?
Updates on 1st conference call for Outreach WG? Resource Mobilization WG?
- NPC budget approval and LOC feedback
- NPC July face-to-face meeting, 6/19-21—make your travel plans!
Remember: Allied Media Conference solidarity, 6/16-19
LOC logistics arrangements for NPC members—hotels, solidarity housing, airport transportation, meeting space, food, etc.
Meeting objectives
-Coordination Team travel stipend recommendation
  • Draft NPC July meeting objectives
Coordination Team brainstorming of objectives; these can help NPC meeting facilitation team draft an agenda.
Discuss timeline drafted at Detroit Strategy Session in May—perhaps use it to divide tasks among Working Groups.
Allied Media Conference discussion
Training on wiki, website, and CRM with ICT (tech) WG and LOC Tech/Comm committee.
Ask WGs to be prepared to report out on the template of six questions that each was asked to discuss in conference calls about goals, objectives, plans, and timeline.
Allow time and space for WGs to meet face-to face in “cross-fertilization/speed dating” discussions about collaborative goals, plans, etc, and develop liaisons between them.
Political discussion on why we’re doing the USSF?
Deepen relationships between NPC and LOC.
Discuss overall design of USSF—how do we envision the five days in Detroit 2010?
Discuss USSF’s relationship to international Social Forums and the political implications, especially PMA; and how can we design Detroit 2010 to include this.
Evaluation of interim Coordination Team and selection of permanent Coordination Team.
  • Discuss NPC meeting travel stipends
-In the past, most NPC members did not request or get a travel or hotel stipend for meetings. NPC members usually paid/pay for on their own. A few stipends were given at the last NPC meeting before the USSF in Atlanta, and for evaluation meetings—and all dependent upon the budget.
-Usually, $10k is allocated for NPC logistics, meeting space, and travel stipends.
-Travel stipends are done by reimbursement with completed form and receipts.
-There is no additional criteria—it’s based upon whoever decides they need it but only one stipend per organization.
-Stipends usually between $300-500, based upon average fare to NPC meeting location.
Coordination Team will recommend to NPC that we provide travel subsidies to those in need.
  • Discuss “Save the Date” draft
-Since the Coordination Team’s first draft on the Save the Date email to Atlanta participants, it has been reviewed by the Communications/Media WG and ICT WG.
-Today, members of the ICT WG were having a discussion with Michael from the Resource Mob WG to discuss adding a donation option to the website and appealing for donations on the Save the Date announcement.
-A Website Committee is also being formed between the IT and Communications WGs to work on posting Save the Date info.
The C-Team supports adding donation language to the draft and delaying the distribution of the draft until the 6/22 Detroit Kick Off to allow time to make incorporate these and other changes, including how to support the 6/22 kick off.
However, the C-Team cautions that we need to have the necessary political conversations about WG parameters about what each can and cannot do, including the website.
-For Atlanta, each WG was given a green light to draft communication, post on the website, and distribute other information after these political discussions took place with the NPC.
-WGs should consult with the NPC if information deviates from NPC approval or the WG feels it needs consultation.
The C-Team also recommends that a deadline be placed on the Save the Date draft revisions and work to get participants to stick to it—“silence is consensus.”
  • Coordination Team evaluation process
At the NPC meeting in July, we need to evaluate the interim Coordination Team (i.e., what worked, challenges, etc); and elect a permanent Coordination Team.
We’ll discuss this more next week.
  • Additional agenda items
-Archiving USSF—Elena’s sister, Julie Herrada, is an archivist at library at University of Michigan and has offered to help us archive this work. It’s important that we save and compile the processes and documents of our work—both the message and medium.
She requests that we invite Julie to discuss this ore at the July NPC meeting.
George Friday has also recommended that the NPC start now to document and evaluate the USSF.
Jenna with Radical Reference librarians may be interested to—Sylvia will ask.
Coordination Team suggests Elena, Julie, and George discuss archiving discussion at NPC meeting.
- logistics for July Meeting
Lodging: St Regis has gone into receivership; Sylvia will check with Maureen about Days Inn
We need confirmation from NPC attendees to get group rates, ask for solidarity housing, and determine meeting space needs, and budget, and persons who can do airport runs.
Elena will ask for NPC mtg logistics volunteers at Tuesday’s LOC meeting.