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Coordination Team Notes

Present: Cindy, Josue, Maureen, Rocio, Elena Absent: Will, Tom

  • Check in
  • Action items follow-up
  • Review NPC application draft and process--role of political parties on the NPC. What is the role of observers at the next meeting?
Folks who have expressed interest in joining the NPC:
Committees of Correspondence
Black Radical Congress
United for a Fair Economy
Christyna House Ministries Corporation
There are also 2 organizations that are very involved but not NPC members?
LRNA and May 1rst joining.
Cindy made some edits and updates.
C-Team members recommend changes to documents include—all NPC members will have to join a Working Group, clarify representatives and roles and if rep is a national or regional rep.
Submit edits to Cindy by Tues 7/7 so Cindy can send out applications to above groups.
Application process--
  1. organization submits application.
  2. goes to NPC for review.
  3. at a NPC face-to-face mtg or conf call everyone discusses applications.
  4. someone on the NPC usually vouches for each organization, i.e., knows of their work.
  5. NPC votes by consensus.
  6. USSF follows WSF charter of principles which allows no political parties on NPC.
  7. There is no memory of anyone being denied.
  8. A follow up letter is sent to organizations to welcome them and invite to next f2f and conf call mtg.
  • NPC meeting--review the draft agenda? when the press conf. is being proposed? any major glaring omissions in the agenda?
Anyone can come to NPC mtgs as observers, no vote.
Other participants—LRNA and May First are taking part on the NPC as former participants in other groups. They will have to apply and go through regular process.
Maureen knows Green Party and others were denied membership on the NPC in 2007.
Cindy—IC doesn’t allow by way of WSF principles, also non-struggle groups—is contentious.
Michael, Tammy, and Jerome were involved from the start—they can explain more. In 2004-5 there was an open call, criteria was later developed, we don’t know where it’s at.
But criteria for NPC was to reflect the class, color, and character of the people—then folks did aggressive outreach.
From what we know, there’s no spoken cap on the size of NPC.
Future—we need a broader sector of people, maybe create advisory role? Maybe allow political parties on an advisory council?
We need to have a bigger political discussion about NPC members tasks with organizing their people and sectors.
Josue—in 2006, application process not functioning, Praxis joined because it took a leadership role in a Working Group, a difficult process.
Sylvia—this is important to hear, especially as it relates to LRNA and May First activity now in Working Groups.
Maureen—also good to hear, especially with concerns about Green Party.
Josue—NPC using WSF charter, maybe we’ll want to revisit it.
Cindy—we also have to look at pre-party formations, cadres—it’s highly political, we need to have this conversation, including how many NPC members—smaller or larger?
We need to ask those with history to give us context.
Elena—Alice and Josue explained political party discussion history at Centro Obrero when USSF II sites were first being searched out. It was a clear discussion, Alice explained it well.
Sylvia—some folks in Detroit, maybe elsewhere, are wondering if WSF charter principles are guidelines vs. law…?
Cindy—where do we see the USSF process and how do we align internationally, eveything’s a dynamic event, need political conversation—we can develop change thru an organic process. There was a document out of Atlanta that criticized the NPC. What are the conditions that we have here—but we understand it breaks with the charter? Needs? New model? Complex process.
How is NPC a mobilizing body? And how do we map to recruit? Many important forces are not on the NPC.
Rocio—is there a time requirement?
Josue—minimum 10 hrs/wk…we need people on the NPC who can work.
we will post the application on the USSF website so it’s an open process
Applications in this round will be due by the July NPC meeting, we can get back with applicants afterwards.
  • Detroit logistics for NPC mtg--who has rsvp'd? adding Jacqui to the AMC reg. fee pass, dorm room recommendation, update on transportation, food. Will's party?
Dorms at Wayne St Univ $82 for 2 nights, includes linen and access card, 4 rooms per suite. 18 people have confirmed, we have 20 rooms.
NPC meeting will be at USSF/MWRO office.
Still working on catering.
Solidarity housing option is still a possibility, Dianne and Elena are coordinating.
Agenda is very packed. Elena requests we add a discussion about archiving with her archivist sister—we recommend she come during Working Group discussion sessions.
Cindy—add NPC structure conversation, including NPC applications, plus 30 min wiki training.
George is also trying to lead up evaluation and discussion committee work.
  • Recommendation--NPC-LOC press briefing at AMC
Is being organized for Fri or Sat.
Maureen can get anchors there.
  • NPC caucus—we’ll do press briefing before caucus to get people at AMC to commit to work, get press excited to do more.
  • Coordination Team Evaluation
we need an evaluation for a new Coordination Team, lessons for process.
Sylvia can email questions to ask C-Team about how we function, what have we learned, what are the challenges, what is the political work we do, how do we think thru this process?
Or perhaps we don’t give a PC report at this time.
  • Staff reports
Majority of time is spent on logistical needs chronologically for NPC meeting, airport shuttles.
Anchor and LOC mtgs are getting bigger, committees are working.
USSF computer room and offices are almost set up.
LOC is always running out of save the date cards.
  • LOC and NPC reports
LOC is invited to NPC meeting—they’re open to whoever is in the process.
Votes done by NPC only.
Who are LOC at-large reps to NPC?
If NPC mtg is running short on time, NPC reps are first on queue and by facilitator discretion for any disruptors.
Maureen--At LOC mtg, we have time and space to discuss background with new participants, an orientation. Perhaps at NPC, we pull people aside to answer questions.
NPC—Outreach WG finally had first conf call.
  • anything else?