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Tuesday, August 8, 2009

  • Welcome/Introductions
  • DLOC meeting de-brief
  • Q&A
  • Potlucks
  • Database system
  • Actual Outreaching - The time is now!
  • Calendar
  • Wrap up
  • Dessa Cosma
  • Richard Feldman
  • Nisa Joorabchi
  • Stephanie Change
  • Marisol Valerio
  • Rafat Essa
  • Stephanie Chang
  • Maureen Taylor
  • Rachel Wells
  • Andre Martin
  • Ron Lockett
  • Ahmina Maxey
  • Ron Lare
  • Derek Grigsby
  • Andrea Goodman

  • DLOC meeting de-brief
New structure proposed for DLOC meetings
The Chairs from each Committee attend DLOC and then bring info from DLOC mtg back to their Committee
Anchors would like all Committee Chairs selected by the next DLOC meeting
After NPC meeting it looks like we're in good shape
Fireworks falls during the USSF - which brings approx. 1 million people
Vendors will be able to make money during the fireworks
Logistics is looking for 5,000 bikes to use during the USSF

  • Potlucks
It's important that we have regular events/potlucks building up to the USSF
Potlucks are useful not only as an outreach tool but they also provide the place for those political discussions that may not occur at DLOC (due to the new change in DLOC structure)
Chairs would like someone to step up as Potluck Coordinator - 1 or 2 people
Responsibility: Delegate tasks so we can have successful potlucks. They are not expected to do all of the work.
Derek, Andre, Stephanie, and Rachel have all stepped up to form the Potluck Coordinating Team
There will be a rotating Potluck point person by month
Rachel will be responsible for September Potluck
We have commited to having a potluck every month until the USSF
Handout distributed with discussion points from March Potluck meeting
Idea: Because September is the start of the school to incorporate education as the theme
The first Potluck will be September 17 and Rachel will be main point person
Will always pick two dates prior to the Potluck so they can be advertised
For the first 2 months the potlucks will be on Thursday's

  • Additional Agenda Items 1
16,000 USSF informational quarter sheets are being printed in English, Spanish, and Farsi
Recommendation that it be in Arabic instead of Farsi because it is more commonly spoken here
Labor Committee is meeting tomorrow
Outreach Opportunity: A lot of people interested in the USSF will be in Pittsburg in September to protest against a meeting of G20 leaders of the third world
The anchors are requesting $500 from NPC to serve food once a month at the DLOC meetings

  • Additional Agenda Items 2: Accessibility
Outreach is not being performed to people who do not have internet access
We need to be pro-active about it

  • Database System
Is there a standarized way of determining whether organizations/people have been outreached to?
Not yet but we have talked about developing a system
Decision that we will create a a standard letter to give organizations about USSF
Should develop way of determining if someone's been outreached to via letter, e-mail, in-person, or phone call
This again brings up the issue of accessibility and it's importance in regards to the next potluck event and in regards to outreach
We need to have the deliberate conversation about outreaching to groups outside e-mail, example) community organization/block clubs only available through face-to-face outreach
Everyone has committed to outreaching to one organization they know this month

  • Additional Agenda Item 3: Labor Day Parade
We should be at the Labor Day Parade and perform outreach
Anchors have discussed creating cards (30,000) for Labor Day and will be speaking with organizer of parade
Suggestion cards be quarter sheets
Suggestion for a banner instead of cards

Discussion around best form of outreach at Labor Day Parade:
Derek - Thinks we should have targeted potlucks to specific communities so need for cards during Labor Day maybe not because of multiple organizations
Rich - Better off with a banner about the USSF at Labor Day instead of quarter sheets
Ron Lockett - Typically we are doing focused Potlucks, but we're not going to get another Labor Day event before Social Forum
Rachel - Potlucks should remain open to all. They can specifically target a neighborhood but should be open for all.
Nisa - Kicker cards distributed for Labor Day have an event just for that audience
Rich - Labor Committee that meets tomorrow could take on planning an event around Labor Day
Nisa - ***Potluck Coordinator Team can hook up with the Labor Committee
Dessa - ***We need to hook-up with Labor anyways because it's Outreach.
Maureen - The idea of just a banner instead of a bunch of paper is a good idea; Agrees with Ron Lockett that this is an opportunity
Ron Lare - We should be saying to the people we outreach to at Labor Day - Come to potluck
Ahmina - Send to Potluck Coordinator Team to make decision on plans for Labor Day parade
Nisa - Can make 1/2 sheet or 1/4 sheet of flyer
Rafat - Where were we thinking of having the potluck? Could advertsie in book stores b/c a lot of students are in the library before school?

  • Calendar
Put events on the calendar that people can go to for Outreach
The calendar can be used to post events
We need to ensure that outreach is occurring at these events

  • Additional Agenda Item 3: Working Group Call
Tomorrow at 4pm - Ahmina will join and send out notes
UAW is having its first convention in years in Detroit - First week of June
Have we heard anything about student groups that want to organize
Andre - wayne state, u of d, marygrove
Dessa - College fairs are great for outreach
Ron Lare - He would like to work with Andre on this
Ron Lare - Who is outreaching across the border to Canada; Ron is interested in doing that outreach

  • Wrap Up
The following items will be put together by the end of the week:
Final Contact list of organizations using googledocs
Outreach kit