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March 2013 Outreach Committee Meeting Notes

  • Monday, December 3, 2012
  • 2:00 pm ET / 1:00 pm CT / 12:00 pm MT / 11:00 am PT
  • Call NPC line (712) 432-0075 code 388105# (host 564471#)
Note takers: Ife
Facilitator: Jerome

Check-ins & Agenda Review

Confirm this time for regular calls - Is this a good time for this call
Yes - David, Ife, Sylvia, Oya
No -

NPC Evaluations

Country was divided up between regions with specific assignments to reach out to specific NPC members and connect with potential new members. This is not due until next week, but do people have what they need?

  • David - put a call to Edgar to split up the West. But he counted the number of folks - there are only about 10 people, so it will be easy. Want to correct - didn't say he would contact all the national organizations, but some. So we need a process to ensure that someone contacts them.
  • Sylvia - will send links to the google spreadsheet with the national groups. Will send as excel to Sylvia.
  • Jerome - how many national groups are they on the list?
  • Sylvia - AFLCIO, AFSCME, Amnesty Int/Nat, Center for Media Justice, GGJ, IJAN, JwJ, Jubilee USA, Movimiento, NLDON, Praxis, UPJ, USPCN, USS?
  • David - Center for Media Justice, IJAN, NDLON, USPCN
  • Jerome - AFLCIO, JwJ
  • Jerome - Contacting NPC members who were not active now and bringing them up to speed that we are kicking up this process again. Letting them know about the decisions so far. Find out from them if they want to play a role and what that role could be. Do they want to stay on the NPC? And If so, what role would they want to take? And if you don't want to be on the NPC, what role would you want to take to build this process and build a movement in Detroit. People use the 3 documents - We Believe statement (2007), the PMA convergence statement (2010), statement around goals of the social forum process. For people to have a sense of where we are coming from.
  • Walda - the agreement was how many hours/week that people should put in. At a minimum, an NPC call/month and a working group.
  • Jerome - They will commit to participate on the NPC and work on one of the committees. Committees: Road 2014, PMA working group, Outreach committee for March 2013,
  • Ife - AFSCME, Amnesty, IJAN, Jubilee USA

March 2013 Convergence

  • Sylvia - we had discussed a choice of 'ally' to allow for people to be involved.
  • Jerome - ask them what they can do, then we could come up with a list of things that folks could do. Let them know that they don't have to be on the NPC to make a contribution.
  • Sylvia - also, do a poll for who might be able to attend the March meeting. Let folks know they are invited to the March meeting
  • Walda - would be important for an email to go to the full NPC that says 'save this date'. Draft a short 5-sentence email. Should go out before the first of the year. And who will send it out.
  • Jerome - March 8 - 10 in New Orleans
  • Sylvia will draft something. Ask NPC contacts for people we might want to reach out for for the March meeting.
  • Edgar - if we want to invite people in March, is there a vetting process? Or can they just come?
  • David - There is a vetting process that only the NPC can formally invite folks. We are gauging their level of organizational interest and what will ultimately happen is that an entire list will be sent to the NPC that will be discussed and approved, or will come up with a formal invitation.
  • Sylvia - we had come up with a list of criteria. Not sure if folks read it. Folks threw out some people for the NPC list. And there wasn't the follow up for the nominees to do. Figure out a way - send a list to NPC ahead of time and we reach out to folks to make sure they are there. Will send around criteria.
  • Jerome - we should be ready for this - orgs and individuals in New Orleans who want to come and just show up. We should expect that this happen.
  • Sylvia - SWOP tried to manage this. Lesson is to direct people to who is anchoring it there.

Discuss Outreach Committee Expansion

  • Jerome - spoke with someone from New Orleans who would be the rep on the Outreach committee. He will follow up. And is talking with Project South about having someone on the committee.

Individual Activists and the NPC Process

  • Sylvia - Roberto asks, people who are freelancers, how can they participate in the process?
  • Walda - Roberto helped hold the language justice piece. There are different groups of people who want to get involved. Some have been part of the movement in the past. If people want to hold pieces of work, we should try to facilitate it. Use our judgment on a case-by-case basis.
  • Those who have worked with us in the past.
  • David - need to create those spaces. We should make it clear that there are working groups where work is getting done
  • Walda - we started with 4 workign groups in Chicago. We need a language justice component. And we need people to hold pieces of infrastructure. We don't have enough people on deck. There hsould be 1-2 of us to discuss this. Ask, what is the piece of work you want to hold?
  • Sylvia - a matter of case-by-case with some folks. Some people trying to figure out what this new plan or direction is. So before committing to work, some people may need to hear more about the plan or direction.
  • Jerome - Proposal 1) Sylvia, can you follow up with Roberto? In his case, we ought to invite him to the outreach committee. We need a connection with language justice committee. And he should be on the list to invite to the March meeting. Proposal 2) We discussed individuals, Can someone take the notes and write up what we think should happen. Should have some clarity on what we think should be required of people.
  • Sylvia - can we do this as part of a larger piece of participation in the social forum. Can we delineate the different ways people could participate and individuals can be a part of that. The more work people want to do, the more responsibilities they'd be asked to participate in. Could be part of a larger document.
  • Jerome - could work on the whole document or work on individual pieces. Do we have a volunteer to document the big picture
  • Sylvia - will take these notes and start from today.

ACT and Miscellaneous

  • Walda - check in with when the ACT committee is going to meet and when the NPC meeting is. Who is holding the responsibility? We never made this decision. So when is the call and who is responsible for setting that up?
  • Sylvia - agreed to help get this going. Will check in with Jackie to see if we can sort this out. Haven't been able to get on the Tuesday calls, so will try to manage it tomorrow, but it's hard.
  • Jerome - can you make sure that the next call gets set up? And then on the call we can ask someone to step up and be the regular coordinator.
  • Oya - Looking at the NPC list, some of the groups don't know where they are located. Wanted to make sure that she was hitting all the spots. Has 10 orgs on list.
  • Jerome - (at IFE) look at the list and pick out a list of organizations I will take on.

  • Sylvia created a column

Next March 2013 Outreach Committee Meeting

  • Monday, December 10, 2012
  • 2:00 pm ET / 1:00 pm CT / 12:00 pm MT / 11:00 am PT
  • Call NPC line (712) 432-0075 code 388105# (host 564471#)

Note Takers Needed
Facilitator: Jerome

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