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Categories of Organizations, Groups, and Populations that we should reach out to:

Higher Ed college or university departments, student groups on campuses

HealthCare public health, health rights, health equity, medical orgs (like nurses or doctors)

Human Rights progressive law groups, civil rights orgs

Immigrant Community

Union labor, etc

Education public schools, teachers, high school groups

Family family/parent organizations

Environmental Orgs that work for environmental sustainabilty and justice

LGBT Orgs that work for LGBTQ rights

Community Development orgs that focus on developing communities

Service providers of service in our communities

Religious religious based orgs

Peace orgs that work on peace issues

Disability orgs that work on disability issues

Women orgs that work on women's issues

Other please explain...

Arab American Anti Discrimination Committee (ADC)
Arab Community Center for Cultural, Educational and Social Services (ACCESS)
These are local representative organizations of one of the groups that has been most viciously victimized in the US in recent years. We need their presence and participation.