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Philly Communications & Technology

USSF-Philly 3/6/14 CommTech Mtng Notes

Cheri: need a way to electronic email capture

Intros History/Development of USSF-Philly proposal

           	Didn’t want to sink resources into a convention center; will source from community

Alesia: Chicago Convergence-bring all causes under one umbrella

Bill: clarification of event purpose?

           	Suggested networking-EPIC Process, Constituent Services, Bread & Roses, DHS

Angela: learn to work in coalition rather than one umbrella/message/cause, make room for diversity in tactics, values

Seth: People’s Movement Assemblies-plug in and mobilize around various causes

Cheri: PMA used as a way to mobilize for USSF—MtA, Asian American, PPehrc will host in Aug

Jeremy: interested in working to bridge digital divide

Julia: FCC opened licensing window for low-powered radio stations

           	Opportunities for up to 3 new stations
           	Potential for grass roots access to broadcast city wide

Dan: barrier to access=Comcast monopoly

           	Even w/access, How do we use it?
           	Goal to get more people to be part of conversation through tech

Diane: Be wary of tech & ‘open air’ stuff-security culture

Bill: re-entry creates huge challenges

           	‘Change’ is the word that mobilizes many groups
           	Referenced EPIC Partners (Equal Partners In Change), a DHS project, again

Charles: music & games to reach youth

Alex: most people using tech don’t use it to create opportunities

Seth: be mobile-centric

           	Have to be able to communicate in lots of different ways
           	Need resources for hardware
           	National mailing list on the wiki

Dan: need ways to store & share ideas

Cheri: Mayfirst, Skype folks in from meeting (Alfredo, Mark)

           	PPEHRC has 5 non-working computers
           	Who else should be here?
           	Consider older folks who could have a greater audience if start to use Twitter/FB/etc

Diane: make sure we’re training the RIGHT people, i.e. committed leaders

Cheri: Consider needs for Spanish, Mandarin, ASL, literacy, etc

           	Lessons from Venezuela=radio             

Angela: be sure to keep some focus on communication separate from tech-don’t create even more barriers for involvement

           	Messaging can be hard to control via tech; relearn how to grow a movement via 1on1 human interaction

Cheri: Should set up focus groups

Next Meeting: Thursday March 20 6-8pm West Kensington Ministry (2140 N. Hancock St. 19122)

Commitments for Next Week: Bring 1 Person to Next Meeting