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- to hold the necessary political conversations of the USSF process, and make necessary, definitive decisions
- evaluate the USSF goals. we're about 100 days out.
- collective prioritization of our resources
- checking in with and interacting with the needs of Detroit

Friday, March 26 at Cobo Hall, Rm. D2-13&14

8:30am Light refreshments

AM (9am-1pm)

  • 9am (30 min): Welcome, Intros and Orientation, Role of observers [Will, Maureen, Sylvia, AMB]
  • 9:30am (15 min): Presentation by Detroit Convention & Visitors Bureau [Tapeka]
  • 9:45am (15 min): Contextualizing the Detroit goal...Detroit update on conditions - both the struggles and what's advancing. [Rocio, Ahmina, Marian]
  • 10:15am (30 min): Fishbowl...Checking in on the Goals [framing our work:)] [George]
- Strengthen local capacity to improve social conditions, organizing and movement building in Detroit [Oya]
- Create a space for social movement convergence and strategic discussion [Tammy]
- Advance social movements agenda for action and transformation [Steph]
- Build stronger relationships and collaboration between movements [Rishi]
- Deepen our commitment to international solidarity and common struggle [Jen]
  • 10:45am (30 min): Political Conversation and Proposal Review [what all is going to be covered]
  • 11:15am (1 hr): program design team lay-out most current knowledge on 5 days {including logistics, plenaries, workshops, culture, DEX, work projects, PMAs, open space, marches and ceremonies and NEEDS} [amb w/pt people]

'* 12:15pm (30 min) Lunch (catered, provided by Detroit Convention & Visitors Bureau)

PM (1-6pm)

  • 12:45pm (45 min): finance team part 1 [w/resource mob] budget/fundraising updates [possibly w/recommendation on core costs; should include budget updates from language access, youth, intl solidarity, logistics] [steph, sha, michael]
  • 1:30pm (2 hrs): Concurrent Working Sessions 1
- Opening March/Ceremony/1st Day [key participants: Maureen, Tapeka, Walda, Oya] {facilitator: Will}
- Data Policy + Reviewing Tech Principles [Alfredo, Sylvia, Adele, Cindy] {Adrienne}
- National PMA [key participants: Steph, Fred]{facilitator: Cindy}
  • 3:30pm: USSF office--brief report backs on What We Accomplished
  • 3:35pm (15 min): Mapping the USSF space - Constructing the Forum Territory) [Sylvia & Maureen]
google map
  • 3:45pm (2.5 hrs) Walking tours of Cobo, Hart Plaza, and "USSF Village," ride People Mover back to USSF Office [Maureen and Tapeka, Kiran videotaping]
  • 6:30pm: Community Dinner at Al-Ameer [Maureen and Outreach]
  • 8:30pm+: Self-organized meetings, play together

Saturday, March 27 at USSF office

8:30am Light breakfast

AM (9am-1pm)

  • 9am (2 hrs): Open (cyber) Space of the USSF: Website & Tech
- Overview of all websites: Big Picture Tech ussf websites
- Break-out sessions: How-to
- Report
  • 11am (2 hrs): Political Conversation and Proposal Review
- Outreach part 1: the state of things w/proposals
- Security (gender justice, conflict resolution, protection, the city)
- International participation proposal [Louis]

1pm (45 min): Lunch (catered to USSF office)[including staff meeting]

PM (1:45-6pm)

  • 1:45pm (2 hrs) Concurrent Working Sessions 2
- Detroit Expanded [key participants: Oya + Mallory] {Alicia}
- Merchandise, ads, sponsorship, corporate money [key participants: Sha, Rocio] {Sylvia}
- PMA and Program and Culture with ICT Coordination Session [Steph, Walda, Jerome, Kiran, Jamie]{Adrienne}

3:45pm (15 min) Break

  • 4pm (2 hrs): Concurrent Working Sessions 3
- People's Media Center [key participants: Adele and Alfredo] {facilitator: Adrienne}
- Logistics and Program/Culture date [key participants: Maureen, Tapeka, Walda/Kiran] {Alicia}
- Language Access: identifying languages for translation/interpretation, equipment [Roberto, Rocio, Louis, Michael] {Cindy}
  • 6pm (30 min): we close with brief report backs on What We Accomplished!

7pm: catered dinner at USSF office - invite DLOC

  • 9pm+: Self-organized meetings, play together, possible bowling at Garden Bowl

Sunday, March 28 at USSF office

8:30am Full breakfast (catered to USSF office; snacks in afternoon)

(9am-2pm) [most people not flying back out till Sunday evening and later]

- 9:30-11am Revisiting the goals - how far did we get in resolving major issues this weekend? What will this look like if it is successful...not just logistically, but politically?
- 11:10-12:30pm Finance Team Part 2 [Steph]:

...Affirmation of our Political Commitments on Core Costs...What is the prioritization? ...T-Shirt Proposal [Rocio]

- Outreach part 2 [Cindy/Tammy]: report back and mobilization/resource ?s, from here till the forum (work projects, caravans, marches, PMAs, outreach, etc)
- Recommitting to Strategy: Communications and Outreach
- Political Conversation and Proposal Review
Reportbacks and Updates:
  • Print/Online Program Update [sha]
  • Poster Report [Sha]
  • PMA Reportback [Steph - 20 min]
  • Logistics update [Syliva]
- Proposals
  • USSF village/tent decision [Indoor vs Outdoor]

CLOSE at 2pm

2:30pm--Tour of Leftist Lounge spaces in Eastern Market

- See Rishi

Other logistics

Wanna help? Please check with

  • Saturday and Sunday at USSF office
- Projector and screen
  • Order Cobo refreshments
  • Order Fri dinner
  • Buy Sat light breakfast
  • Order Sun breakfast
  • Buy Sun snacks

Role of Observers

Role of observers

Welcome, glad you are here
Mindful participation
Ask your OC buddy
In large group, facilitators will prioritize OC reps
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