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OC Conference Call Notes
1-25-10 at 4pm EST/1pm PST
Present on call
Oya, Culture and Program WG
Steph, PMA and Finance Team
Reg, Comms WG and DLOC Labor Committee
Alfredo, ICT WG
Cindy, Outreach WG
Mary B J, Poverty WG
Jen, International Solidarity Team
Rose, GJ WG
Will, Local Coordinator staff
Adele, Communications Staff
Tapeka, Logistics Staff
Sha, Grassroots Development staff
Sylvia, Nat'l Staff

  • Jan 27 registration launch update, including translation and website testing.
  • Website updates for redesign public announcement (w/ registration).
  • Preparations and proposals for OC March meeting in Detroit.
  • Listing Detroit-based meetings, brigades over next few months
  • OC process questions--establishing a multi-WG team to review and make recommendations:
- OC quorum
- staff voting
- adding NPC teams to OC mtgs, i.e., Finance and Evaluation & Documentation
- OC culture of responsibility on reports and mtg participation
- developing a "go-to" list
- reviewing DLOC governance policy proposal
  • Data policy and Internet tools usage--establishing a multi-WG team to review and make recommendations
- Use of open source and proprietary tools
- Public archiving of email
- Conditions for NPC usage of registration database lists
- see initial data and security policies work at:
  • Developing USSF Core Cost budget (Steph, Finance)

If you haven’t yet, please post your working group reports on the wiki:

The Albuquerque meeting OC notes are on the wiki at:

Registration launch report

Alfredo - Still need to do two or three tweaks and language access information that still needs to be done. Nothing very big. We're in very good shape. ICT is going into testing. Launch on schedule, will be publicly ready for launch on the 27th. Alfredo doesn't see anything that can knock us off schedule. Hopefully, it can be launched in the beginning of the day, but not exactly sure. Alfredo will ask Mark if he can give us a clearer picture (about time).

ICT will send an announcement out about "official" launch, so groups can go public. Announcement will specifically go out to NPC, Communications and OC.

There doesn't need to be another registration meeting before launch. ICT needs to minimize meetings until techies can get through launch.

When will the next series of information come through from ICT on what's next for site launch? By mid-feb, hoping to have public various key supplementary forms: culture, housing.

Also will be working on technological logistics issues in Detroit. Alfredo will be going to Detroit in mid-Feb.

Is it possible to get information up on the March to Detroit and Delta to Detroit on site?

Mallory good point person to connect with to keep up content on the Organize site. It will include the Assemblies, Brigades, Caravans, and help connect folks to what is in motion. Parts of it will go up by Wed (the rest by mid Feb) with the Workshop Submission process - an organic way to group and connect folks - so hopefully by Friday some of the PMA content, Caravan maps, etc can go up.

Website updates before registration and redesign launch

COMM WG working on researching, creating, and posting website content as a final sprint towards registration opening on the 27th! Our task list and instructions are here:

We will also be using the wiki to post content before it is potentially uploaded. Please feel free to add and amend tasks (try not to delete anything) in the etherpad. And, if you are going to work on a task (listed below) "sign-in" to that task (below the name of task) on etherpad with your name and skype ID (if you have one). This is so that we all know who is doing what and how to contact each other if we need. Use the chat window to the right of etherpad for messages to the group. Those of us with logins to will be sorting through the content and then posting some of it to the website during the session. Mallory will also be joining us during most of the session for technical support (Thanks!).

Please forward to all who may be interested in helping/joining the session. AND, REMEMBER THAT NEWS, EVENTS, TESTIMONIALS, STORIES, ETC. CAN BE POSTED TO THE WIKI ( BEFORE AND AFTER THE SESSION! *This is a temporary work space until is up and running. Feel free to email me directly if you have questions about the session.

Scott Byrd, COMM WG


1) Researching, Creating and Posting "Upcoming Events"
2) Researching, Creating, and Posting "Recent News"
3) Researching, Creating and Posting "Testimonials" and "Peoples' Stories"
4) "Learn about Detroit"
5) Site testing
6) Site Clean-up
7) Develop USSF press room
8) Messaging
9) Posting Media: Photos, Video, Audio

Organizing Committee Meeting

Detroit - Mar 26-28. Incorporate tour of working sites - tents, space, cultural work, murals, etc. Working with Finance Team to figure out what our budget will be for that. Very important meeting. There will be an emphasis around logistics and how the working groups are plugged into work on the ground. Working on a tour to visit the sites and discuss division of labor.

- Volunteers for Facilitation Team: Oya, Tapeka, Sylvia
- Lodging – Maureen and Tapeka have already gotten a local hotel deal, plus folks are looking for options.

OC meeting with an invitation to NPC folks who would come at their own expense, the larger NPC meeting will be in May - mostly due to funds and logistics.

Cindy - at Outreach meeting in Detroit - Accessibility, political programming, plenaries, all coming up. How are we going to answer big political questions as NPC? If we wait until May, we need questions answered before that

Jen - Instead of NPC in May is there a proposal to have 1 meeting with both OC/NPC in April ?

Sylvia - Between costs and logistical coordination of such a large meeting, it's not effective Can these questions be brought in writing as a proposal?

Cindy - Can we troubleshoot around the logistics? Layout the questions and see where it needs to be handled? how do we expand the work without adding to the work of DLOC and the OC?

Alfredo - It's become clear that this is an urgent situation. We need to send that to NPC. We simply can't afford a 100 person meeting in March in Detroit and then give the OC the power to make some of these decisions. Even if we have to tack another day onto the OC meeting. That could be one option.

The OC should act as reps for the NPC and communicate the issues, questions, etc.

There are 11 new NPC organizations coming in - what is the political process of bringing them in – don’t want to undermine the process and decision - but what is the cost of not having face time with folks? Willing to lay out the thematic questions that are coming through.

Have Detroit organizations talked about this?

Other items on agenda - Asking Cindy and others to put out the questions and the implications and what would be the scope of a new proposal - dates, time - in order to review.

Is someone willing to work on that? Pros and Cons of having an NPC meeting and what are the political/logistical things that are coming up. Will, Jen, Cindy and Sylvia willing to work on this piece.

Other Detroit-based meetings, brigades, etc.

Logistics has a huge task ahead of them, is there a list of folks who can let us know who is coming for what and when - Will, is that something you are already collecting?

Will - Trying to collect, working with Oya, Diana, EMEAC on putting the rumors and lists of interested folks - Some idea of groupings being discussed - 4-5 potential work brigades

Oya - Diana and Lizzy and I are working on that - several organizations wanting to be a part of that in Detroit - national organizations wanting to get involved, Dealing with folks creating projects that are not in line with Detroit needs - There is an Urban agriculture committee that can identify gardens that exist (instead of finding land & growing food, etc without Detroit)

Point Person - Will Copeland is external point with Oya as internal point person, for scheduling trips, meetings, etc.—they will confirm and check in with each other on this.

OC Process questions--pulling together multi-WG committee
- OC quorum
- staff voting
- adding NPC teams to OC mtgs, i.e., Finance and Evaluation & Documentation
- OC culture of responsibility on reports and mtg participation
- developing a "go-to" list
- reviewing DLOC governance policy proposal

Is there a group of people from OC who is willing to work on proposals to draft answers to these questions - Sylvia will be working on them - Cindy can help - if you're willing to help contact Sylvia.

Data policy and Internet tools usage--pulling together multi-WG committee
- Use of open source and proprietary tools
- Public archiving of email
- Conditions for NPC usage of registration database lists
- see initial data and security policies

Need to establish a group for use of Internet and social media tools. Need to establish policies and conditions around privacy issues. Steph will help work on this, have some skeleton guidelines form the last time around this. ICT and Comm will be involved. ICT can draft a document on privacy, security and free and open source software. ICT working page has started some of this. Sylvia will help recruit others.

Steph- establishing core cost budget with Finance Team – need more information have from working groups (that is, requests for bottom line, gotta make this happen) the better and quicker can move things.

Proposals for staff assistance include minimal spending of $50 a month. Separate is travel assistance—still being worked out. By Feb. 1 all this should be in place. Steph working on keeping a certain line item that includes working group costs. Email with costs and budget.

Next meeting is Mon, Feb. 8 at 4pm EST/1pm PST