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Philly Communications & Technology

Tasks for Volunteers

-Compile a list of newspapers and newsletters for us to send out a general call for volunteers

-Research organizations to reach out to for Comm/Tech volunteers

-Help lead a skill share workshop (more info below)

-Design a flyer for regional (non-local) outreach

-data entry (contact Rich)

What is the role of Comm/Tech in the coming months?

-we have already set up email, website, and social media infrastructures and processes (though there is still certainly room for improvement/development), and designed a few flyers

-support other work groups

-Jeremy will send out email to work group point people to ask if they could use any Comm/Tech support (e.g. set up listservs, add content to website, design outreach material, etc.)

-Rachel involved with hopefully getting Art & Culture and Youth work groups more active

-skill shares as part of movement-building process

-once donation collection policies approved by national organizers, set up Donations page

-in collaboration with national task forces, help develop registration system and mass communications content

-once venue secured and donation/registration processes approved and set up, will be time to think about mass press releases Closer to time of forum:

-video conferencing infrastructure

-translation tools

-communications strategy for publicizing announcements during forum

Organizations to reach out to for Comm/Tech volunteers:

-Girl Develop It

-Black Girls Code

-Code for Philly

-everyone try to think of and research others and bring your ideas to the next meeting

-try to have Comm/Tech meetings at more regular time and place Tuesdays @ 7pm? Jeremy will check with Keith to see if we can schedule a room (maybe even a computer lab??) at the Friends Center on a biweekly basis

Social Forum Skill Share Series-potential topics

1) graphic design (using free GIMP software) 2) Excel/spreadsheets 3) media advisory & press release (Angela) 4) listservs 5) wiki 6) Drupal (repeat if others interested) 7) social media (repeat if others interested)

We're thinking about starting with the graphic design workshop, sometime in November, and from then on having each biweekly meeting be a 45 min-ish skill share which we publicize as a general opportunity for anyone to come and learn new comm/tech-related skills, but then follow the workshop with a brief meeting for Comm/Tech organizers to discuss any pressing work group topics. This way, the workshops could both improve our local skill base and serve as a recruiting tool. During the first workshop, we're thinking we could present a few of the other topics, and have the people who show up vote for what they would be most interested in, or suggest other topics.