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Content for launch web site from other committees

(Reposted from Email, 6-10-09)

Hermano Alfredo and I discussed a little how to get started as a web committee, and came up with some questions that should help us leap into getting an infant web site online by June 22, and generally start working together as a committee.

First we need to know what we can do, and what we must do. So we're asking you to answer the following questions ASAP. Could you send answers -- as much as you can -- by (or on) Sat. the 13th so we don't let this slide any further? Thanks much.

1. What are your skills/interests, and what skills/time can you contribute quickly for the June 22 launch?
  • Lou: basic HTML, Drupal installation & administration. 6-8 hours a week
  • Nancy: Web design & coding & information architecture, php & my sql programming & some javascript, photoshop, dreamweaver to organize sites, etc., cartoons, writing. I worked with Plone a few years back and really hated it because it made it harder to get at the basic programming and design. I checked out Drupal but prefer to create my own cms, so I'm not sure how I fit in with working on a drupal/civiCRM site.
  • Sylvia: some basic html, wiki, MS Frontpage (but don't like it); can help out a few hours, as needed.
  • Jamie: I can help with any larger server issues or Drupal installation problems, but will be mostly focusing on the CiviCRM installation during this period.

2. What do you believe absolutely has to be on the web site for the June 22 launch?
  • Lou: USSF contact info: email (, and phone (877-515-USSF); sign up for email list:; Sylvia ditto.
  • Nancy: There should be some real human content -- showing real people, not just abstract ideas. A news release will go out, so we hope to get visitors who don't know anything about us -- we need to create a sense of excitement and desire to participate as well as give basic info.
  • Alfredo: (please edit, Alfredo!)The key is to show what people need to know (that it's going to happen, where, what kind of work being done, workgroups are meeting, process has begun), and encourage them to do what they need to do.
  • Tech group discussion: What we want them to do? Be excited about the potential and come back, keep in touch. An email list sign-up as the first step.
  • Sylvia: Ditto on excitement. Plus, list of Detroit committees and contacts, and list of national Working Groups and contacts; NPC list and meeting dates; info from Save the Date announcement; media/press release page; main location site info (Cobo Hall and Hart Plaza, downtown Detroit on the waterfront across from Windsor, Canada); USSF Staff (Maureen Taylor and William Copeland; link to this planning wiki.
  • Jamie: Clear links on how to sign up to get more information and how to make a donation (both of which should be links to the site).

3. What do we want on the web site ASAP if at all possible?
  • Lou: contribution form, user/participant info/registration form
  • Sylvia ditto, plus perhaps existing Project South/USSF link to PayPal--short-term use only, Stephanie's looking into it; video from USSF Atlanta.

4. Initial thoughts about presentation, organization?
  • Lou: none
  • Sylvia include pages for Detroit, Working Groups, NPC info (members, how to join), People's Movement Assembly, contact info; links to USSF Atlanta and WSF; images with various people of color, workers, abilities/disabilities, etc.

5. Skills/time you can contributed after the launch - for starters, no need for definitive answer now
  • Lou: same as 1 above; Sylvia ditto.

6. What absolutely must be on the web site after the June launch -- could start to think about that now, to be continued after the launch
  • Sylvia: Organizing timeline from now till June 2010 (from NPC-LOC); perhaps a calendar with links to USSF-related events around the country (e.g. local/regional social forums, fundraisers).

7. Nice stuff it would be good to have if possible -- don't need to answer now, to be continued...
  • Sylvia: The ability for anyone to edit (perhaps with a login) non-core parts of the site, especially Working Groups, Detroit committees, social movement organizations, allies, etc with related content; and a place/way to allow feedback on the site.

Feel free to add other comments, of course. Like how else we can best start working together on this site ...

Also, does anyone know the status of the logo process we discussed in the communications meeting a while back?

Thanks much. Look forward to our first challenge working together and seeing what we can do under pressure, which in my experience is how just about everything gets done, sigh.

I'll be giving my personal answers to the questions too, of course, but didn't want to do it alone.

More abrazos, Nancy