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ACT Conference call July 17, 2013 Meeting notes On call: David, Walda, Jerome, Jen, Mary BJ, Shamako, Rose, Jackie

  • 1) NPC Application- Mikeljohn –Jerome is working on getting more information about the organization’s work. Diversity of the organization? Walter Riley is important spokesperson, African American; leading civil rights lawyer;

Given that we don’t know the organization well, more info. will be sought before ACT moves this forward to NPC.

  • 2) Composition of ACT –November 2012 NPC meeting in Chicago—ACT was created as a body consisting of working group point people for all the active working groups. Will ACT continue to grow as new working groups get active? Will this make our work easier or harder? We want to be intentional about the way we organize our work. This is on the agenda for retreat, but ACT discussion beforehand can inform this.

David: All working groups doing important pieces of work should be represented on the ACT. We’re not just coordinating space, but we’re working towards political coherence; the ACT contributes to this. Jerome: Political education is important. New ACT members need to be brought up to speed and their views integrated into the political vision we’re following. Rose: ACT should meet weekly till the retreat. Keep this on the agenda.

  • 3) Coordinator hiring/contract

Jerome, David and Walda—met with Kali on Monday. Start date is Aug. 1. Kali and Victor are working on details of the contract. The team will meet again next week to finalize and move forward. Understanding that ‘half time’ work will require some flexibility in scheduling; David and Jerome will help liaison between Kali and ACT; Monthly check-off on the work requires for fiscal sponsor/reporting—this sub-team will be responsible for that.

  • 4) Strategy Retreat update / Logistics-budget; more time on Agenda Stipend allotments ?

10- registered: Poverty W-G 2 stipends request (ACT/WG); Comms-Tech; PPEHRC? -Affirmed that we should not promise any additional stipends until we hear from all those designated for stipends (ACT and Working Group reps)

Check sent to caterer. More official budget is needed. We need to get registrations in so we can complete this. Stipend Policy: The budget only provides travel stipends for ACT members and designated representatives from working groups. Although we cannot promise a stipend to other attendees, requests for stipends will be considered after these budgeted stipends are accounted for, providing funds are remaining in the budget. Those requesting stipends must turn in receipts and will be reimbursed after the meeting. [THIS NEEDS TO BE SHARED WITH NPC]

Agenda: Draft at wiki space for retreat planning

DISCUSSION of agenda draft: We should prioritize what items need to be discussed while we’re together; what has to happen to get the work moving forward. Recommends adding another person/s with skills running meetings like this to help revise agenda. Mary BJ and Walda volunteered to join committee (with Rose and Jen). Reminder that the group will be mainly people who’ve been working closely together, so some of the background can be abbreviated or omitted. We can help folks not at Chicago meeting or who need more background get up to speed before the meeting. I.e., ask folks coming to the meeting to review key documents prior to our meeting. ACT members should expect to be called on to facilitate. David: noted that it is good for more ACT members to be invested in the agenda and facilitation work.

  • 5) NOLA meeting-Jerome –Derek noted that the GNOORT was meeting on Saturday; there had been discussions. A grouping of people in GNOORT was not interested in coming back into USSF process—they want to focus on NOLA. But decision wasn’t made yet. Jerome stressed that we want to continue conversations with GNOORT since this is a long-term process.

  • 6) Working group reports
Gender Justice: Has call this evening. Getting reactivated.
Outreach: no new updates. Next call 4pm Monday
Road: 2 site applications- Philadelphia and Jackson, MS. Communication from Austin, TX indicating they’re working on application. We’ve asked them to complete this week.

Site team (criteria=people with experience from past USSFs): Walda, Jerome, Victor, Rose—site visits in August. [Site selection criteria at USSF website: [1] Aim to have some progress in reviewing sites prior to August 14 NPC meeting; Site visits not likely to happen by then. Need to have face to face meetings with these applicants. Jerome noted that those sites not selected for main site could be satellite sites.

Resource: Continues work with affinity group proposal circulated by Monica and Jacqui. Communications with Mark Randazzo/waiting response.
Comms-Tech: Has meeting tomorrow to discuss a proposal for comms-tech work in USSF3—will share that proposal when it is confirmed by working group, since it connects to retreat work. *The following resource pages have been built to help orient new folks to the NPC and the USSF. PLEASE REVIEW and send any updates/additions. PLEASE SHARE and use these in outreach and political education work.;
Poverty WG: Marian was in NOLA and had good meeting with folks there. Also continuing discussions related to prep. For retreat.
Arts and Culture-No updates
  • 7 Other

Treyvon Martin—statement from ACT to NPC for NPC approval. How this situation connects to our movement-building work. Request to Shamako to edit the piece he wrote; Jerome will help.

Proposed interview study of social forum participants

Meeting will happen before Jackie’s vacation to bring recommendation to ACT regarding guidelines for knowledge production/sharing/ownership/etc.

• Next ACT Meeting 7/24/13 11AM Eastern

Decide notetaker/facilitator

1. Check-ins
2. New NPC application-Mikeljohn
3. Composition of ACT
4. Retreat Agenda
5. Guidelines for USSF research/knowledge production
6. Treyvon Martin statement
7. Working group reports
8. Other

Next ACT meeting 7/31/13 11AM eastern