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Agenda Items:

8 Wiki Training
9 Gustavo from Juarez
9:15 Logistics
9:45 Decisions (including: March meeting dates are up and on wiki and notes.; Update on Language Access and Arabic; Data Access; Update on NPC decision; Discussion about Plenaries)



12: DLOC 5:30pm
13th, 9pm EST: Gender Justice Working Group Conference Call
16: Massive March in Phoenix (see
19: 1st 1-800-USSF Call at 4pm EST
20: Registration Goes Live (for individuals and organizations)
20 – 27: Registration Drive
21: PMA Planning Meeting in Detroit
23: El Paso People's Movement Assembly
25:Youth Working Group Conference Call: 9pm EST/8CST/7MST/6PST
26: DLOC, 5:30pm
29-31: Latino Congress El Paso
31: 1st Push for GR Fundraising and Registration


Wiki updated
Printed program team?


1 – Deadline for identifying 25 spokespeople (Communications)
2 – 1-800-USSF call
5, 6, 7 – Poverty Working Group: National Zero Evictions and Right to Housing Training (Housing Takeover Training), Philly
9 – DLOC 5:30pm
13 – San Antonio, TX People's Movement Assembly
16 – 1-800-USSF Call
20 – Brownsville, TX People's Movement Assembly
23 – DLOC 5:30pm
27 – Houston, TX PMA


Mid-Feb – informal review of workshop proposals to ask for collaboration
Knoxville PMA
set-up contribution pages, send tailored online appeals
Youth outreach packets
Youth working group will have identified a Detroit co-chair
Gender Justice PMA first webinar


2 – 1-800-USSF Call
9 – DLOC 5:30pm
13 – Detroit People's Movement Assembly
15 - 2nd push for grassroots fundraising and registration
16 – 1-800-USSF call
20 – Close Workshop Submission
20 – Begin Workshop Proposal review, decisions (lasts through May 15)
23 – DLOC 5:30pm
26 – Youth Pick Up Your “?” from 26th-28th


Gender Justice Working Group 1st Regional Meeting and 2nd Webinar
World Court of Women Preplanning Meeting in Philly, 1st week of March
Youth Working Brigade in Detroit (Spring Break)
Anti-Trust Workshops, Dept of Justice, issues of concern to farmers, Ankeny, Iowa (March 12)
PMA Working Group face-to-face meeting in Detroit
Registration Drive in early March
National March Caravan from Gulf to Delta to Rust belt to USSF (Poverty Working Group) starts in March goes through the forum in June.


1 – Close 2010 USSF NPC application process
6 – 1-800-USSF call
13 – DLOC 5:30pm
15 – Begin placing workshops in venues (lasts till May 15)
15 – Begin translating workshop submissions, preparing for printed program (lasts till May 15)
20 – 1-800-USSF call
27 – DLOC 5:30pm


International Anti-Zionist Jewish Network PMAs
Gender Justice Working Group 2nd Regional Meetings
Registration Drive last week of April


1 – Deadline for early registration
1 - 3rd push for grassroots fundraising and registration
4 – 1-800-USSF Calls
11- DLOC 5:30pm
15 – All workshops are in a venue!
15 – All workshop submissions are translated! Program is sent to printer!
15-30 – Communicate decision workshops to submitters
18 – 1-800-USSF Calls
25 – DLOC 5:30pm


1 - 3rd push for grassroots fundraising and registration
People's Movement Assemblies in Portland, OR; DC Metro Area
PPEHRC Housing Takeovers May 1st (as part of March)
International Nuclear Conference April 30-May 1, March and Rally May 2nf, UN Nuclear Non-proliferation Review Treaty Review May 3-17th
Anti-trust Workshops Department of Justice Poultry Industry Normal, AL May 21, 2010


1 – 1-800-USSF Call
7 - fourth push for grassroots fundraising and registration
8 - Online Program launch!
15 – Printed Program in hand!
15 – 1-800-USSF Call
22-26 final push for grassroots fundraising and registration on site!


registration drive first whole week of June
Anti-Trust Workshops Dept of Justice Dairy Industry, Madison WI


If I accepted my exile it would confirm my sentence. It would be necessary for me to be stubborn in my love of life.

I want to tell you that I ma condemmed to live in exile and i believe that the modern world is little better than Socrates' world. I can't be quiet about th econdition of the world in the US or Mexico. I hope that you can hear and the governments hear what I have to say without being condemmed to exile. Pre. Calderon started a war agains drug traffickers at all costs. Wouldn't a war against poverty, inadequate education, healthcare, the economy?

I maintain that that war is Bush's third war. That war was agreed to in mmetings with Bush and Pre. Fox and the Calderon. The Merida plan is mpre convenient for Bush's US- because it means taking out a great "enemy" the drug traffickers but in a foreign land outside of the US. Bush just send money. Mexico will front the dead bodies. How are they moving this war? In all wars, conflicts one should be able to define the main enemy- not necessarily the most powerful. This is an imaginary war. The principle enemy is the drug trafficker. This is a sate crime. Because we can't fight a war agains an imaginary enemy. It would be crazy for Obama to declare an all out war on drugs as his top priority- his top enemy is Al Queda. The main enemy is the economy not the drug traffickers. To do so would be a state crime as is what Mexico is doing. When Obama said that the crisis is the main target then he has to develop tactics to take ot on. Now he is saying that the target is Al Queda and not the Muslim nations- then the tactics to use should shift. Everything that happens in Juarez is because of the plan Merida- and $1 of all of your taxes goes to the Merida Plan. This plan has had catastrophic effect. It destroyed the civic police. Increased violence to unbelievable levels. In theUS the murder rate is less that 10 for 5,000. For Juarez we have 40 times higher rate than in the uS. They destroyed commerce and the life in Juarez. They kidnapped hundreds of people. Racketeering was set up. Narco terrorism has developed as a way of life in Juarez. There are assasins who open fire on public buses. So what do we do? We should make Obama recognize that the Merida isn't his plan. The money from the Merida shouldn't go to the army. It should be used to combat violence. The money should be to strengthen civil police not millitary. The most important is to utilize the socila problems that causes the drug trafficker to build up their own millitary Reserve. People taking this on are about 30 human rights advocates and 5 have been killed. The government only pay the salary of one of us. The rest have to have other jobs to support ourselves. We are building a resistance fund to defend these advocates. My email to stay in contact

Agenda Items
March meeting dates are up and on wiki and notes.
Update on Language Access and Arabic
Data Access
Update on NPC decision
Discussion about Plenaries
Invitation- massive mobilation in Phoenix against Sheriff Arpaio next Saturday.
We need your support for a delegation from Las Cruces to Phoenix. We will pass the hat- please help us get gas $ to participate.

Reminder-turn in your grassroots fundraising pledge forms

Working Groups-there is a process of how to establish new work groups. We wil get the info out to people including definitions/structure of work groups, commmittees and teams.


There are 18 areas

1. Opening March Tues. June 22. Local logistics will work out route and work with NPC to determine time
Q- what is the process to submit ideas for sites to pass on march route?
A: contact local logistics. They will find the answer or resolve request in some way.
Reminder there has been a protocol that the Indigenous delegation lead the march. Also a concern around participants with different abilities and elders.
2. Opening Ceremony- local logistics will determine the site. We have 3 possibilities
3. Culture self organized activities. Sis. Oya and others have created plans for artists.Pyramid Theater at Hart Plaza and other area. Culture has total and complete access
4. Workshops- we have secured Cobo Hall Convention Ctr. We have the entire building. Outside we have Hart Plaza. We have rented both places from 6/21-6/26. Meeting rooms will be at different Cobo Hall facilities. Hotels also. Wayne County community college will also provide meeting rooms. We 175 secured without including Wayne. We have things concentrated downtown. The most people would travel is 3-4 blocks.
Q: what are the hours are we talking about
A Cobo Hall 6 am-2am. Hart Plaza 24/7.
Q:Can networks use meeting rooms before the forum begins who do they connect with?
A yes they should contact Local logistics and we will find space to accomodate them.
5. Self organized PMAs. We will need more discusion with local logistics, Fred and Steph to get a clearer idea.
7. Open Space- Yesterday was first request for spontaneous open space. We'll get working on it. For every 40 hotel rooms we get a suite. We have about 50 extra rooms- some we will use to house people, some could be used for caucuses.
8. Site managers. This is local logistics concern. We have seniors and students. We will put a site manager at every place there is a meeting. So there is someone to provide logistical info to folks. We will have a rotating system to make sure tha there is on site security.
9. Plenaries- this is a political discussion. The NPC needs to decide what this will look like.

I read some of the critiques from Atlanta- we will have 4 spaces that can handle up to 3,500 in one room. We will have recommendations about how to set up the rooms. We are thinking about ways to make it more interactive.

10 Film Festival- Oya will handle this
11. Childrens Forum. Teacher in Detroit have iterest but we need a subcommittee to move this forward. Maybe some of the education folks can work on that.
12. Youth Camp- two trends here. An area for national and international space. We have a concern about putting youth near water. It won't be at the waterfront- it will be at the back of the college- 3-4 blocks away. There's a space behind the college. Some youth want to camp out others want to be in the hotels. We'll make that call later- ifthere are a lot of youth interested we can work it out
13. Detroit Expanded- international filming will be happening so that people can see what's happening at the Forum.
14 Tents/tables- done
15 Caravans- NPC should help coordinate that.
16. Volunteer Core- we have that. Senior volunteers will work with Mallory, Alfredo on on site registration
17 Security- we have a team working with police to keep a low profile. We have Threat Management local security folks, also a Latino security group will provide community security

We also need internal security for relations between groups inside

18 Food- under Hart Plaza 47 spaces for food vendors. Food security folks can bring alfalfa- but we'll have fried chicken too:)
Q: Can food there be food give aways as well? Food Not Bombs, soup kitchens etc.?
A: We are trying to figure out how to do this. There is a local groups set up on food vendors etc. of farmers and agricultural workers.

Steph- all of the teams are lead by local but will be needing support from NPC. We need to set up teams that can work on all of this. So the national co-chair of the working group- Maureen to lead this. We can send out a chart with all of the teams and clarity on where the needs on and where NPC can plug in. There are people n deck in Atlanta that can help support Childrens Forum as an example.

Q: Registration. For groups bringing large numbers- can they block hotel rooms?
A: That info will be coming soon. Should be in Feb. You can also contact Maureen directly.

CNN and Al Jazeera sending crews to the Forum. You should think about how to use them. They are coming in ahead of the forum- it will go to Communications

Four events- a chain around the incinerator, homeless vets moving into vacant houses, going to bridge and shut it down, garden project to identify 500 plots of land and have people plant crops that will grow in one season. We need

  • Three of these events will need crisis communications team/strategy to ensure they are framed well in news.

Posters and postcards are available up here. We will be doing additional versions and additional languages. The phone number for local logistics is on that car.

Anti-nuclear proliferation event happening and is on calendar.
ICT is setting up a site called Organize Site- then those events can go there.
Can we have a social movements assembly list serv to send out info.
Pictures/video email to

Decisions Made

Voting last night. 32 organizations of 37 active voted. People not here also voted. The results are:

two orgs CERSC and Latin American Solidarity Center- defer for more info.

All the rest were voted onto the NPC.
We will follow up with the deferred organizations.
We want to be able to have active engagement and ask questions for clarification in the larger group.
Lee came to Atlanta mtg and we at CERSC have some concerns about the process. I was asked about the realtionship with the ISO. I am a member but CERSC is an independent entity. My concern that by voting to defer- or exclude would undercut the WSF principles, and cuts USSF off from resources and can only be seen as redbaiting.
Clarification- defer is not a vote of no.
A no vote is not redbaiting. Every organization functions or doesn't in different ways. Things get misinterpreted as to why people voted in the way that they did.

We will be in conversation with all of the organizations. We think that there needs to be clarity and space that is transparent on different forms of organizations.

The groups listed for recruitment came out of the last social forum and from the Consulta.

Asian and Pacific Islander; Identifiy people on the other side of the broder.

All of us need to be doing outreach. Working locally, scramatically, and so on. We have added other groups.

Applications need to be made available. We are going to do this in the future and having a process.

Language Access

Currently has two chairs. 2 acts a mechanism for translators and interpreters. We need those to donate 1 hour to assist with translation.

Translating into Arabic on the website is a tricky thing, but don't have the data, if this is going to be a priority we need the information to do so.

Next OC meeting - March 26 - 28 in Detroit. Conference call every other week. There is flexibility of the date due to the march in New Orleans. Next meeting tomorrow - conference call, if not ready for meeting the OC members needs to meet after this meeting to discuss.
National Planning Committee meeting - May 21-23.
Should there be another meeting prior to this date. The OC, meeting in March would take care of this.
All dates are in calendar wiki. People can continue to add dates to the Wiki.
Working Groups need to keep their members informed. We will continue to do working in between meetings. We will bring people to the different areas in Detroit to see the facilities etc.
Political process- we just brought on 11 new groups that haven't participated in the political discussions- we need to figure out how to get folks brought into the political conversations. The meeting in May will be so focused on logistics- it will be hard to do.
Recommendation that the OC take this on to figure out how to think about turning the March meeting being a NPC meeting.
There are other possibilities of how this process could happen. To put up the NPC meeting dates as reminder for people.
Program and Culture and Logistics Teams needs to have a better working relationship. Agreement
Printed Program design team and on-line team to work on how that process. Agreement.

Data Access:

One of the things we know the target of January 20, the ways people cross-organize. The Atlanta people wanted clarification of how the information is being used and to ensure the information isn't sold.

Regional structures, some groups that havent be reactivated with groups, so there was never a question of those groups to share the contact list of those people. NPC members active, do get access to that list.
Clarification: crf data base system on line. What is included in this is a decision of the NPC. The first page of the form of the information listed is transparent data. If you wanted to contact you can access emails from this page. With this information accessible, everyone can see the communication on-line. You can have private communication. Proposal, Put a line of disclaimer in place.

It can get messy around the PMA. We should be thinking of separation of data base.

Establish policy of use and access of Data Base. To have the NPC to have access and put the disclaimer on the site. Agreement. World history made at this point with agreeing to this process.

Major dates have been listed on wall.

  • OC: 1/11, 1/25, 2/8, 2/22, 3/8, 3/22, 4/12, 4/26, 5/10, 5/24, 6/14
  • NPC 1/20, 2/17, 3/17, 4/21, 5/19, 6/16
  • Face to Face: OC March 26-28, OC May 20, NPC May 21-23 {OC will assess possibility of NPC or hybrid for March}

Political conversation picked up from yesterday: Plenaries.

To come up into draft of the information of the notes from session of What the need to have the USSF in Detroit. They will take all the notes and determining the next step.

Prioritize work going back:

formal group team that will take all the discussion to craft up proposal if we shoud have a plenary
Remember the conversation yesterday of the good things and the not so good opinions on if the plenaries should happen.
Open for people to offer thoughts and discussion: Should we or should we not have plenaries, and have a team.

Really i cannot imagine a plenary of 20,000 people, it is not a plenary with that many people. i think if you are goign to have a plenary shouldn't be any larger than 500 people. Also if there are 20 different plenaries to could follow the same format/theme but allow for participation.

Make sense to have all with one subject, to have a conversation. the ability to interact with 20,000 people is difficult. But to figure out what is logistically possible. Do we have less plenaries with less interaction. Or more .. What are we going to talk about.

Want to support space both structured and ? Not to get stuck on what it looks like. If we have screens. But to have an anchor space.

To have a space, what topics to highlight. Idea to think creatively, to possibly have a debate process.

Posting on twitter, a number of the unions more creative process to plenaries.

The more creative ways of Culture, going further almost make it a Detroit expanded space. Video interactive process

That we set aside space, with the intention to have it the plus side. What we are saying what we want to do, but the other thousands of people coming in, that there is nothing else going on at that time. We need to set it up in a way to interact.

The previous space was never full, not everyone is going to come. People are going to utilizing the space. Interaction is the People's Movement Assembly; not to do these assemblies at the same time. That it ties back to the discussions of yesterday. This is a particular historical process, but we can clarify the key issues of the movement. Where are we going with the movements/resistence that come out of this.

The plenaries were helpful. People still found themselves only going to thing that we important, but did go to the plenaries to learn more about other issues. Ditto with the last plenaries, there were other things going on during this time.

Figuring out how to be interactive. AFSCME had 5,000 people with interactive process, technologies need to be put in place to make this happen.

There are many who want this Political discussion. Yesterdays discussion brought things focussed of ensuring that we don't want the same types of plenary formatt, but to continue the Political discussion.

Keep getting convinced of both sides. To understand better, talking about the PMA or the Plenaries. How do these fit within each other. This should be marked to have further discussions around this.

The focus

what is the political process and then what is it going to look like.
National Framework that will lead out for the discussions.

Having some kind of PMA and Plenaries of being more interactive, bring togehter with unifying teams so that people who never get the opportunities to talk with each other.

There is a desire of the National body to support the lessons of 2007, to figure out how can that be transferred to the organizing body. What would be useful? We still needs to discide from D-LOC of who will be involved, that this can be further discussed.

We might select 2 or 3 events, different formats

How to make the people come to, what would be the added value. 1. address the systemics from the workshops 2. Global movement.

the state of the movement. Think last time that is was issue based. One way to define as crosscutting. ie. The state of Detroit, the State of the US, a way to frame it.

Beneficial for Native officical to look at the bigger issues. We will not be addressing the plenaries getting out of the sylos. If we can do this procedurely to the smaller road....

Eliminate the whole process of the plenary. I understand that there should be a large gathering at the end to address the issues. It is important to have a plenary to have an agreement of sectors.

In favor of plenaries, however possible. The plenaries are a way of debate, space to identify movements where formal or informal for dialogue.

The real work is going to happen after the USSF.

NPC Vote:

Team to take ideas, to put together aproposal if we are going to do this or not. That is what the vote is. If NO then, if yes then who will be a part of the team, we will then create a spefic team for method of input.

Unanimous vote yes of NPC orgs present to create this team.

We need volounteers to join this team and do work to bring proposal to the Feb 18 NPC call. If interested see Sarita after.

Team volunteers: Nora, Andrew Dalack, Oya, Bineshi, Sarita, Tammy, Emily and Walda. DLOC will add a rep as well.


Evaluation of Meeting:

What worked:
  • logistical arrangements by SWOP!!!!!
  • learned alot, well organized
  • facilitation team and staff
  • everyone in the room trying to default to trust - yea (AssumeGoodFaith!)
  • flexibilty of the agenda
  • PMA and discussion yesterday were incredibly valuable
  • tamales! and outreach event
  • small group work gave us an opportunity to learn people's names and work together.
  • thank you to note takers and translators, facilitation team and especially Adrienne
  • thank you for making this an international process and great to see collective critique of capitalism.
  • political conversations- pleasantly surprised at the level of commitment to Detroit. to see the level of political commitment was good
  • super productive meeting

Things to Improve:

-we have to scale back the high level content to of these meetings so that our brains can focus. We don't have enough time to think through things. We need to decongest the agendas.
-More breaks
- Start on time and start earlier
-Being present and consider how to have end meal time together for community building time!!
- time for people to share informally and formally what they are doing. Like in Atlanta having space at night to share with each other, more concentrated and cheaper.
-i'm thinking about my members who don't live in this world- if we can be mindful of the language that we use and keeping it plain and accessible. less jargon, especially on the website
-As NPC member not on DLOC or OC- to get the agenda a couple of days before so that I can process it before I come- there is a lag of info.
- We spent a lot of time reporting- can we do that differently to use the space for dialogue and discussion.
-community agreements were powerful- there were moments where we stepped far away from them and we let it happen and didn't intervene. Some of the level of questions didnt seem to follow this.
- Also people in leadership need to own their leadership and need to acknowledge the fact that they have a higher level of info.
- reality that when you set a meeting right after holidays the prep work isn't going to happen on the front end. We had 26 on 12/23, and we ended up with 90. We can put registration on line to help make that process better.
- To get information {proposals etc} out early for any turn around
- That we commit to having binders for each participant, for process and orientation.
- The Political framing should have happend earlier in the process.
- To be mindful of the preparation work when presenting.
- Child care for meetings.
- Food gather meals together and make it cheaper.
- Solidarity fund which would be helpful.
- Issues to be put out ahead of time, so there can be needed discussions with groups.
- Evaluation ditto with the experiences of the past, the culture of trust, of understanding. Avoiding heirarcy and remembering that we are all working on this , as opposed to somone holding back. To consider a no technology time down, for specific amount of time. To end of distraction.
- look how many folks have already left when we tell folks to book through noon on sunday
- Side conversations
- there were 25 different times along the process of the last 2 months that people could have stepped up to support staff. To respect staff , facility...step up, holding yourself as part of the solution being part : of the team. People are working hard on all of this stuff. Instead of asking why something isn't done or isn't right, ask if the person needs support finishing it, or sending it, or ask if its posted already somewhere. Assume the best.

Now turn to each other. Say thank you, i love you.

We're done!