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National and Local Logistics Teams

The National and Local Logistics Working Group began in April of 2006 and met regularly through email, conference calls and working meetings. After June 2006, Members of the working groups formed teams to work on logistical issues like tents, transportation, volunteers, and vending. This work required meeting outside logistics working group meetings. As early as April 2007 the working group broke into smaller teams to think about or plan the Children’s Social Forum, Intense volunteer recruitment, solidarity housing, on-site registration, and Youth Camp. From June 2007 through the end of the social forum, Support Staff took on jobs as information, supplies and site managers.

What was the name of your team: Solidarity/ Hospitality Housing __________________________ (pick one from list above)

What were the strengths in your team? Consider structure, leadership, planning process, etc.

  • Solidarity Housing process was underway
  • Templates were already created
  • Contact list of ministers was developed
  • Concept constructed
  • Stream-lined process- one contact person, one person to report to throughout the Forum
  • Incorporated the use of volunteers throughout the process

What were challenges to the process & how would you address them? Consider structure, leadership, planning process, etc.

  • Lack of relationships in the field to ask for solidarity housing- we approached places of worship without having clear relationships with them or the ability to provide them with clear tangible incentives to allow us to use their space

ADDRESS: Have relationships with churches on the front end of the housing process, create a religious specific outreach plan with various tiers for congregations to be involved throughout the process, recruit a well-connected local minister to make the “ask” for solidarity housing, create a sign-on letter from top tier ministers in support of the Forum and making the ask for housing, space, etc.

  • Unclear knowledge of need

ADDRESS: Offer solidarity housing earlier in the process, set a specific deadline to request for solidarity housing

Who was missing that you think should have been a part of the process?

  • Clergy and Universities-

What are your recommendations for organizers in the site of the next US Social Forum?

  • Strategically pick a couple of churches/spaces that you would like to target for solidarity housing that is in close proximity to the site.
  • Begin the solidarity housing/relationship building early in the process particularly if the goal is to be inclusive of the religious community.
  • Offer incentives such as free registration for X members of your congregation if they participate in solidarity or hospitality housing OR provide space in the program book to advertise the housing gift from the space.
  • Connect the solidarity housing process to the overall scholarship/hard-ship allocation funding process- If so, this process would have to take place at least one month in advance of the event.

NAME & CONTACT INFO (optional) _____Everette Catilla 404-514-9215 creverette@aol.com___________________